Wednesday, October 14, 2020
The Magic Mirror Portal 2020
Today let’s question the nature of reality and ask ‘Am I real ?’
This is a vital concept for anyone on a spiritual journey to contemplate.
An awakening comes when there is a realisation ... a lightbulb moment 💡... an Aha!
(Breaking through your perceptions to see how you have no limits and that your own mind has been a construct in which you have created a reality that makes sense to you.)
Undergoing a change in perception is a gift, but often requires the catalyst of an adverse situation to push you through it. Suddenly you see that you have been asleep and as you look back on the old you it seems like that was all a dream.
This growth of consciousness comes in stages or sometimes waves. Just as space is constantly expanding so is consciousness. You have access to infinity, but can only see as far as your own depth of perception. This perception is registered through your intuition, your sensitivity and your emotional state of compassion.
My guide said to me today:
You have all that you need to ride to the very edges of the universe; and also to make a complete transformation into a brand new form. This knowledge is where you will find complete healing and eternal life.
So I thought that maybe I should give it a go 👁
10 affirmations for the October portal.
I can access deep inner wisdom.
New opportunities present themselves to me.
I can see my own self development needs.
I have limitless capabilities.
I am ready to work in new ways to heal myself.
I trust the flow of the universe.
Energy communicates to me and through me.
I shrink potential barriers to be overcome.
I solve problems by inner reflection.
I can perceive how others see me.
15.10.20 will be the centre point of balance between the October Energetic Portal of 10.10.2020 to 20.10.20 which my guides have named ‘the Magic Mirror’
As I reach outward of my self I arrive further within myself.
All that I look for in you is what I need to see in me.
The link between our outer and inner worlds begin and end at the same point. All energy is cyclic.
My outer reality helps me to understand my inner self. The physical world supports my inner growth, needs and desires. I can see myself everywhere I look and in everyone I meet. My engagement with life is consciousness. The physical world is here for me to explore myself.
As I interact with others I can reflect to them their own inner light. I can be a mirror, reflecting their attitudes, behaviours and beliefs. I can shatter their illusions, delusions and break down barriers if that is what their learning requires. As a mirror to me they can do the same, simultaneously.
Awakening is the seeing that the outward search for anything that we reach for, be it growth, love, distraction, attention, wealth, knowledge, experiences, success etc are all solved by looking within. This is the meaning of the October 2020 Portal. It is a ‘Magic Mirror’ which allows us to reflect deeply on who we are in order that we can overcome our own barriers to emotional happiness.
In addition it is a powerful spiritual magnet which opens us to vulnerability and shows us the way to heal.
We are the Ones We have been Waiting For
Today I am asked to call to you to take a long hard look at who you really are and realise the unique purpose of your existence on Earth in 2020.
To see a different outward world we must change our own inner beliefs and expectations. So many of us are limited by ourselves daily and do not realise it. This is especially so for Sensitives who hold the highest light vibration within them but often hide it due to lack of confidence or fear based energy.
So we are being asked to see through our challenges and to observe ourselves. Realising that we are the Divine Intervention is the agenda.
Jesus taught I Am the Light of the World’
Say this as an affirmation and the Light of the World is YOU.
Stop waiting for a sign when the sign is you.
Go and look in the mirror. Listen to any self talk. Notice how you are treating yourself and what you are believing about YOU.
Affirm to break down any limiting beliefs that you discover are holding about yourself.
Spend some time thinking of all your strengths, attributes and contributions to the world.
Make sure that you can see the Light within. Make a promise to work with the best version of you in developing your own self.
Say ‘I Am the Light of the World’
Here are 10 self love affirmations for you to consider.
Mark yourself out of 10 for each on how the statement feels true to you (10 = highest)
Add up your scores to give you a mark out of 100
This will give you an idea a percentage of how much you resonate with self love.
Afterward pic the one that you scored lowest on to be your mantra.
💓 I accept and love myself for who I am.
💓 I speak about myself in positive ways.
💓 I see my own unique beauty.
💓 My self talk is loving and supportive to me.
💓 I love and take care of my physical body.
💓 I give and receive love in equal measures.
💓 I love myself deeply and fully.
💓 I am worthy of being loved.
💓 I listen to my own needs and act on them.
💓 My contribution to the world is valued.
October 2020 Ascension Portal
The October portal of 2020 is approaching its peak at 10.10 2020. This is a time of introspection, changes in perception and intuitive growth.
Energy may be chaotic or intense at times up until 20.10.20
You may experience an energy disturbance as the universe swings open cosmic doorways in unlimited directions which defy our normal understanding of time and space.
You may feel highs and lows as well as times of confusion or overwhelm followed by sudden clarity.
Time might seem to speed up and slow down intermittently. Connecting to other people may be more difficult than usual as we are all dragged into our own selves.
You may be unable to process where reality is sitting at times and could end up feeling that you are watching the world as an alternative reality of science fiction like quality.
If any of this becomes difficult remember to turn to Mother Nature for support. Use grounding techniques to normalise yourself during energetic disturbances.
Sensitives may feel physical affects as this energy intensifies. Head pressure is likely but also a mismatch of mind and body energy may cause you to feel out of alignment with want you want to do and what you can physically do, (headless chicken or chasing your tail sensations) Don’t pay attention to this as it is the resistant energy within yourself being cleansed. If you need to , sit and meditate on peace and the now moment, or indulge yourself in a creative distraction that holds your attention for a while.
Remember that your spirit guides are with you at all times and they are aware of how strange this may all seem.
The value in allowing you to see a reality outside of your own belief system will be the removal of illusion and a new sharper focus on the vision ahead.
Be prepared to break down barriers created by the illusion of your own mind set.
I believe in you. You can do this!
10 affirmations for the October portal.
I can access deep inner wisdom.
New opportunities present themselves to me.
I can see my own self development needs.
I have limitless capabilities.
I am ready to work in new ways to heal myself.
I trust the flow of the universe.
Energy communicates to me and through me.
I shrink potential barriers to be overcome.
I solve problems by inner reflection.
I can perceive how others see me.
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