3rd March 2021
The Doorway to Enlightenment 3.3
From 3.3.2021 - 21.03.2021 we experience a powerful opportunity for spiritual growth and for the awakening of souls across the globe.
This is the golden energy of the Christ consciousness and is facilitated by the keeper of the first portal to spiritual growth on the Tree of Life, Archangel Metatron.
At last we can begin to see some movement of life situations through the build up of the new energetic era.
For those on an awareness journey this will be a time of new awakenings and callings which have a profound impact on life direction across the coming 20 months to December 2022.
New Earthers will receive new inspirations to take creative steps forward across the Spring of 2021. This will be slow to begin with but will pick up pace by mid year.
Many will be influenced by the angelic agenda of focusing on the Environment and Community issues. Lightholders everywhere will be called to influence others and step up into Leadership roles or find ways to communicate their perception to others.
Children and young people will be more in tune with energy changes as it calls to their creative and playful aspects. Babies born within this time will be particular blessings to the future new world.
We will witness the awakening of many more souls to a greater sensitivity and a more inquisitive approach to the meaning of life and the nature of reality.
Fortuitous future events are being invisibly aligned for new opportunities and the meeting of connected souls.
Those who hold the codes of the new Earth within their hearts will experience supernatural connections to higher beings, on a loving link.
Expect to feel that change is in the air as well as to witness all that resists this. Disengage from drama and fall into deep self care.
Dream of happy new days as the old continues to fall away.
3.3 Portal 2021
The 3. 3 portal this year has significant influence in moving us forward and in showing us a clear path in small steps towards a greater knowing.




The Universe speaks to us in many ways. What is this saying to you ?
Archangel Metatron calls new souls to awaken to their spiritual path and realigns those already on their journey with new purpose.