Monday, December 21, 2020

Birth of a new era. The 2020 - 2021 bridge

The 2020 Vision
2020 has been a year of vision. The trouble is that we do not like what we are seeing. The journey within has hit every individual across the globe. The whole human race has had time to think and feel; to ponder life, to find again lost truths and lost priorities.
The stark reminder of our own mortality and that of those we care about; along with the awareness of the vulnerability of our planet and our realisation of our own part to play in this is the reality check that brings us to the death of an era.
So much darkness has come to light and at first we were overcome with fear based emotions. But across the Autumn of 2020 a mass transformation of consciousness has changed our vision.
We can now see the benefit of feeling the darkness. And we can visualise a new way of living based on our own learning, both personally and collectively. We can be the creators of a new reality which would see the world sustained and our own lives happier.
🙏 Whatever you have discovered that has felt as though you are living in ‘the wrong world’ is what you MUST endeavour to play your part in leaving in the old era. 🙏
The collective consciousness has never been in such a high state of awareness. We have understood that we are birthing a new era. It is now the responsibility of every individual to create the new vision of the world we want to feel alive in. This has been the meaning all along of the 2020 Vision.

The Death of the OLD WORLD

The great Phoenix energy has been invoked to burn down, with a fierce passion, the residual energies of a time that is coming to its end.
Humanity has reached the point of awareness that can enable the creation of new ways of life. Many spiritual souls have reached a point of understanding that it is necessary to allow parts of their old selves to die, in order to bring forth the new.
Trust that we are seeing a show of Divine Masculine leadership which holds the intention of the transmutation of darkness into light.
On 21.12.2020 we see the illumination of the darkness manifest through the solstice portal.
Until that point the fiery powers of the burning Phoenix are driven by an insatiable desire to complete the mission of burning out stagnant, old and residual toxic energies that exist in the very cells of all manifested life forms, as well as in the elements of the make up of the living universe.
Working with Phoenix guides involves a tricky balance in managing the extremes of emotions, letting go fully of our known shadows and making fearless transformational choices. Only those who have learned to master their emotional self should adopt such a totem.
True to the legend, the Phoenix will burn itself down within its own fiery power, but will rise again from its very ashes. This is what we can expect to see in our world on mass and in our personal stories.
2021 will be a bridge that allows us to work on new manifestations. From the spring we will see the feminine aspect rule our energetic field, offering creative inspiration, nurturing and intuitive development.
The Great Phoenix will rise again in 2022 in-line with the birthing of the ‘golden child’ era, born of the combined forces of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine which is currently in gestation within the hearts of all living beings. This will represent a new energetic era, bringing great hope and will manifest powerful agendas of Love and Light for the highest good of all.

Divine Transformation
The Divine Masculine and the Divine feminine have bonded and we have all felt the weight of the change.
Through their union they have very different roles and are calling out to the higher souls of spiritual workers across the globe.
It is the masculine energies who have been the force behind the ending of an energetic era. This has required courage, vigour and determination. Fighting down resisting dark elements has been extremely tough. Behind the scenes of our material world, in the invisible dimensions there has been a power battle of Light and Dark.
This has manifested within our world and has been felt on an emotional and physical level by almost every human on the planet.
It is the Light Warriors who work with the Divine Masculine energy at this time. Their purpose is one of passion, challenge and protection.
The Lightworkers (or sensitives) as channels of the Divine Feminine are currently recharging their physical, mental and emotional well-being while they take part in the invisible process of nurturing and growing the new energy, ready to bring it forward into existence in 2021.
This process of birthing matches mirrors laws of physical creation.
We are birthing a new era. That is why you are here.

The Cusp of Change

We are on the verge of something BIG.
The signs are everywhere.
Lightworkers are the PROPHETS of a whole new age. Keep your light and shine it out for everyone to see.
The old era is falling into a deep sleep, a dormant frequency that will continue to drop to the deepest resonance, becoming a major stabiliser in the foundations of the Earth’s Energetic Vibration.
Do not cling on to it, grieve for it or live to look back. Everything is happening in perfect precision.
The old reality is folding itself down in a majestic act of service to humanity.
It lowers its head taking a final majestic bow.
Give thanks to this world for all that it has offered, but offer blessings to its continuing journey in its own transformed existence.
Everything has to die to evolve. As with any living form we must send it on its way with gratitude, love and blessings.
The new era pours through the heart of humanity.
Allow yourself to recognise that it is already within our physical experience.
The seeds of this time have been planted. Focus your mind, body and soul on becoming the blooms.

Into 2021
Be ready for new meetings, connections and guided introductions as the spirit world is bringing together spiritual brothers and sisters in line with true soul family.
As we move through December to the solstice portal the fiery energies turn from the destructive burning down of toxicity, to the passionate building of new openings, which now work on the new laws of time and space, changing our experiences as physical beings.
Expect coincidental and fortuitous timings, guided meetings, deepened connections, and inspiring opportunities, to begin to show themselves as realities and normalities of physical living.
Reaching other guided souls, even fleetingly will be common place as a form of spiritual reassurance, gifted by the spirit world and the angelic realms as a way of providing comfort and support during times of great upheaval and inner doubting.
Allow connections that feel like ‘home’ to spark new inspiration within your own identification with purpose. Be ignited by your own calling. Embrace a beautiful hope. Be reminded of a greater story that is unfolding and be ready to play new parts.
We are about to step onto the bridge between 2 worlds.
There is no going back. The old form no longer exists and we have not yet built the new. As we cross the bridge we are the builders and creators.
We are pioneers, the founding fathers of the new era.
To begin with we may feel a sense of being cut adrift , as ties to the old ways are severed.
New initiatives quickly turn our attention to the way ahead and Lightworkers must continue to point others to focus all their intentions in this direction.
Unforeseen events bring in the new. Trust in what feels right in lighting your way.
Finding others who are aligned to this frequency is destiny.
Thank you for your connection.
Kirsty Elizabeth

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Being Between Portals

 29.11.30 being between portals is a tough call right now. We all need a helping hand.

Learning to help ourselves is a learning process where the results serve to last us long term and are passed down to our future generations. Times of adversity and challenge are a tool for inner processing and can bring forth inner strengths, skills and resourcefulness that we didn’t know we had in us .
Mass challenge brings about mass transformation. This is the awakening that you came to take part in. The future is full of hope if we can find this within our hearts and minds now.
The Divine supports us through all and sees how our suffering, our challenges, our frustrations can bring about solutions that create a new world.
Remember that help is always at hand and never presume to know the workings of the higher perception.
Self care is the first port in awakening as it is a realisation of limits and an openness to the essence of self value.
Once this is mastered we can reach out to others to support the change that they need.
The end of 2020 is of vital significance to the transformation of an energetic era. You simply have no concept of just how important you are in simply being here right now.
Sensitives must remember to back down at this time.
We are all undergoing an energetic death and rebirth. Know that higher loving forces are working hard on this agenda and that new beginnings will emerge within a few weeks.
Kirsty Elizabeth

The Dying Pheonix - Transforming an era


The dying Phoenix

The end of November 2020
Energies are heavy, dense and low resonating, causing feelings of supression, frustration and fatigue.
We are in an important stage of ‘dying down’ and it is vital that we surrender to this process and trust in the positive new beginnings that will be created as a result.
This is a tough time where all that has been born of negative, toxic and dark consciousness is being targeted with a great intensity and force. 🔥
Sensitives will feel the change in the natural energy state and could be pulled out of balance. This is especially true for those who tend to operate on high vibrational frequencies i.e intuitive, creatives, mediums, healers, care givers etc
To manage this focus on self care, rest and gentleness. 🕊
Trust that this difficult period of time is TEMPORARY as much as it is NECESSARY.
It is part of the fall of the old era.
The new growth that is eventually born will allow for creative, intuitive energies to rise forward; and those who are channelled by the higher forces of the Divine will bloom. 🌺
The end of 2020 is all about pacing and patience and letting the Divine forces do their work.
Until 02.12.2020 - allow parts of you to die down for recharging and self preservation.
My 3 pieces of advice
☘️ take a step back and surrender
🍀 adopt a less is more approach
☘️ focus on compassionate living

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Transmuting stagnant energies for change


    Transmuting Negative Energy

It is the most natural process to burn up 🔥 or clean out 💧 energy.
Many of us are burning old leaves and greenery on bonfires at this time. This is a wonderful way of recognising the end of an energy cycle and the need to create a clean space for new forces.
Transmuting energy is a process of purging toxic and stagnating energies through burning it out or washing it away.
Many sensitives are involved in this energetic work this month, in the aftermath of the 11 11 portal. This may be causing individuals to feel challenged in a number of ways.
If this feels to be so for you then please remember that this is all for a very important cause and is only a temporary experience. You also have the choice to opt out if you feel it is too much.
We are about to see an acceleration of energy which will propel us into a new era across the next 2 years. The end of 2020 brings opportunity for new beginnings. This can only be achieved by the removal of residual energy of the old era. We are involved in an energetic clearance, which is as natural as the sweeping and burning of old leaves.

10 ways to manage being a Transmuter
🍁 Take time out
🍃 Assert boundaries
🍂 Rest and relax
🍁 Avoid overthinking
🍃 Shield your energy
🍂 Meditate 🧘‍♀️
🍁 Pamper yourself
🍃 Cleanse and detox
🍂 Slow down
🍁 Put yourself first

What have you learned in the dark ?
This year has been a year of personal transformation. Through all of the outward challenges, blocks, standstills, losses, uncertainty, conflict, confusion, defeats, disruption and frustration we have learned so much about our own selves, much of which we have not yet had the opportunity to process.
The inward journey will endeavour to come out into the light and will be your future.
It is time to begin to think on all that you may have learned and to search for ways in which you are able to light the path ahead.

20.11.2020 - 02.12.2020
We are currently experiencing a time of ‘recalibration’ to our energetic experience. This is a time for 1 of 2 experiences
Lightworkers will feel the need to step back and receive. High sensitives will be most affected by fatigue or general lethargy.
They may feel depleted, lost, or low and will instinctively rest their physical energy down to recharge their energy system.
Light Warriors will feel the need to step forward and hold the light of positive vision and protection of the sensitive and vulnerable. They may feel the need to focus on their own physical health or think on plans ahead.
This is a vital time for both energetic groups who work in different ways for the same cause.
Currently there is a great deal of intervention from Divine forces which is burning off negative energetic states that are the residue of the physical happenings of an era that we have left behind. The intensity of such is more suited to the Light Warriors who can rise to the calling of the phoenix with their ability to transform with the flames. They also are not afraid to fight fire with fire, with their association with dragons as spiritual guardians.
Their sensitive counterparts, on the other hand, need to back away from the heat and head to their naturally watery realm of deep emotional thought, self care and nurturing.
Both energetic groups will be reborn of this time.

The dying Phoenix
The end of November 2020
Energies are heavy, dense and low resonating, causing feelings of supression, frustration and fatigue.
We are in an important stage of ‘dying down’ and it is vital that we surrender to this process and trust in the positive new beginnings that will be created as a result.
This is a tough time where all that has been born of negative, toxic and dark consciousness is being targeted with a great intensity and force. 🔥
Sensitives will feel the change in the natural energy state and could be pulled out of balance. This is especially true for those who tend to operate on high vibrational frequencies i.e intuitive, creatives, mediums, healers, care givers etc
To manage this focus on self care, rest and gentleness. 🕊
Trust that this difficult period of time is TEMPORARY as much as it is NECESSARY.
It is part of the fall of the old era.
The new growth that is eventually born will allow for creative, intuitive energies to rise forward; and those who are channelled by the higher forces of the Divine will bloom. 🌺
The end of 2020 is all about pacing and patience and letting the Divine forces do their work.
Until 02.12.2020 - allow parts of you to die down for recharging and self preservation.
My 3 pieces of advice
☘️ take a step back and surrender
🍀 adopt a less is more approach
☘️ focus on compassionate living

Kirsty Elizabeth

The 11 11 Portal 2020

 1.11.2020 -11.11.2020

This has been a time of great activity by the Angelic Realms, the Ascended Masters and Ancestors. Seeds of change have been planted in the name of LOVE.
This has been a challenging time for lightworkers and sensitives, who may have been feeling the effects of being a conduit for the transmutation of negative energies or working to break down barriers to a new move forward.
The energy will grow into a more positive and hopeful vibration across the coming months until March 2021.
My guide tells me that there is the potential for a speed up of the manifestation process towards the middle of December.
The way to hold the light at this time is to focus on loving expressions of hope, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude. If you hold this energetic vibration you are supporting the Angelic realm and raising the physical vibrations to create positive solutions, healing and change.
Angels work on a subtle energetic vibration. Whispers of their presence can be felt through the physical senses and the nervous system. They embrace sensitive souls and value the virtuous qualities of those who hold faith. However, this time the Angelic influence in the physical environment is not of subtlety or whispering, but of obvious forward movement and a cleanse of stubborn darknesses.
11 reminders of Angelic practices
🕊 Trust in love
🕊 Hold the Faith
🕊 Accept the now with grace
🕊 Focus on blessings
🕊 Forgive yourself and others
🕊 Release old energies
🕊 Give love to yourself
🕊 Be patient
🕊 Speak of and share the light
🕊 Support the vulnerable
🕊 Practice compassion and kindness
The Ancestors’ Portal 1.11.2020 -11.11.2020
The 1.11 -11.11 Angelic portal has been thrown wide open by the energetic clearance of the Angelic realm, flooding our Earth plane and touching our lives with Divine Intervention. We have been asked to surrender to this process and allow the beauty to manifest within us and around us.
We are seeing the emergence of the Great Masters, our own Ancient Ancestors, step back into old territory with the intention to restore it to balanced and natural energetic vibrations.
Those with a purpose or calling for environmental work, community work, healing work and positive technological advancement will be awoken to solutions and actions.
Those with a heart of compassion, kindness, love and harmonious living will be filled with the power to channel Divine source energy.
Creatives will access hidden vibrational healing codes and manifest them into artistic form in the name of love and progress.
The spiritual community will grow and connect in their brotherly bond of the Rainbow children, relieving increased guidance and courage.
Today feel the positive influence of the hand of the Ancient wise ones steadying your course and resetting your sub conscience to a loving vibration of hope and of joy.

Your Own blood Ancestors who reside in the world of spirit have their chance to play their part in the current Angelic Gateway of November 2020.
These may be family that you have known and met during your current lifetime or those from too far back in time for a physical connection.
Time does not exist in the spirit world therefore you are a part of the NOW awareness of all of your ancestors. They will know and love you as their own.
Loved ones who have passed into the invisible dimension can work under the guidance of your guardian Angel to support your emotional journey. In this way they connect to you on a link of Love 💕 which is open to you at all times.
Those who have lived before us have much to offer in supporting the life force of the planet. The wisdom and learning that is gained by individuals is never lost or wasted. Death is not an ending. It is simply a change in dimension. Those who have lived through difficult worldly events across our physical history have so much guidance to offer at this time. We are not alone.
The Ancsestors’ Portal opens a doorway of hope, where all beings of high vibration, such as the ascended masters , ancient souls and other dimensional guides will work energetically alongside the Angelic realms to flood our planet with love, support, healing and guidance towards solutions.
Your loved ones living in spirit form will be active in watching over your best interests at this time. All of this will be along the guidance of the Angelic Contract which you created with your guardian Angel before your birth.
As we approach 11.11 we will see a great transfer of love and energetic clearing across the dimensions, where a great focus will be placed on clearing energies of pain across the planet, which has its basis in a time passed, mostly due to suffering of wars, aggression and control issues. This will include pain caused by acts of cruelty and suppression, related to themes such as gender and race. All of this is part of the death of an era where masculine energies became distorted and out of balance.
To take part in this simply make it your intention to live in a manner that shows compassion to all beings and honour the angelic teachings of forgiveness and prayer.
Kirsty Elizabeth

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Archangel Raphael

                                                                      Archangel Raphael

If Archangel Raphael is overseeing you right now then you have the power of Divine healing at your service.

Health     Happiness    Fulfilment    Connection     

   Archangel Raphael is the master healer. His uplifting energy is omnipotent and can be felt anywhere and everywhere. He will choose to be a personal guardian angel for any individual who shows an aptitude for healing in any form and oversees the medical, holistic, and spiritual healers across the world. 
As the overseer of the natural world, Archangel Raphael has a magical quality that connects with the elemental beings who preserve the living plant life of the planet. In this way Archangel Raphael is linked to energy healing and cleansing. This makes him also the overseer of shamanic practices and manifestation. Understanding life cycles, looking on the bright side and seeing new beginnings are amongst the special qualities that he would bring to the attention of those working beneath his wings. 
Archangel Raphael oversees all healing and cycles of life in line with energetic laws and individual angelic contracts. 

Archangel Raphael has the power to heal physical ailments through the channelling of individuals working within their professional role. This would include practitioners of the mind and of the energetic body as well as of the physical body. He would also promote us gaining knowledge of personal empowerment that enabled us to learn to manage our conditions and to self heal. 
His calling card is the great coincidences that happen in such strange ways and due to this he is thought of as a positive energy, with an almost humorous approach. Without a doubt his energy is uplifting, with a `laughter is the best medicine` approach to personal guidance, self development and relationships with others. 
Archangel Raphael has the power to detox our energetic bodies, which can be invoked through visualisation of the chakra colour system. In the same way we can work with him to clear our aura, especially when combined with the use of nature. Some of those who work with the energy of Archangel Raphael may be called to gain knowledge of the natural healing properties of plants as a way to bring about healing. 

Out of all the Archangels it is Raphael who will make himself physically heard by those in receipt of his intervention. Most famously he is associated with the playing of meaningful songs at poignant times as a way of interacting with us. This ties in with his devotion to joyous connections between humans and his support of the fulfilment of happiness in answer to pray and positive self belief. 

If you have called to the angels for help with healing an aspect of your physical body or a situation within your life then know that the healing is instant. It is only the resistance to it that makes it seem otherwise. Expect then to be taken on a journey that will help you to discover for yourself the power of your own healing and know that Archangel Raphael would take great joy in seeing you thrive through this self awakening.

As much as Archangel Raphael`s guidance is to the individual it is also to the collective, with the intention of inspiring the development of medical advancement on every level. 
If Archangel Raphael was assigned to you permanently then you will be blessed with the ability and the aptitude to heal others to the best of your ability and there is no doubt that this is a life purpose. 

Archangel Raphael`s message is `all is well in the eyes of the Divine.` 

Kirsty Elizabeth 

Archangel Uriel

                                                                       Archangel Uriel

If Archangel Uriel is overseeing you right now you are being called to make major transformation in order to fulfil a future purpose

transformation     wisdom     education     leadership     

   Archangel Uriel is the leading teacher angelic guide who supports the growth and learning of individuals who seek to help others or bring about change for the better.

As a Divine teacher Archangel Uriel is the overseer of all spirit guides, divine masters and guardians who support humanity with their mission of growth. 

Archangel Uriel is the voice of the growing consciousness of humanity in all that is learned. He is the calling to spiritual enlightenment through the process of knowledge and wisdom and the contemplation of this process. Call him if you will the founder of the `University of Life` and think on your spiritual journey as an enrolment to the University of Spirit. Archangel Uriel is the keeper of the Akashic records, where the pattern of learning across the life times of every individual is stored. Your Guardian Angel and Spirit Guides will gain access to your soul contract and life learning through this highly sacred and secret coded library. Archangel Uriel will know of your lineage and will decide on how your own ancestors might help you with your development. 
Archangel Uriel has access to knowledge of time and space that would be impossible for us to compensate. He can utilise the laws of creation to allow shifts in your consciousness and physical reality that allow you to make the most progress. His focus would be to draw your attention to your highest good and to utilise your specific gifts and talents. 

Archangel Uriel will help individuals to achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations in return for them learning to overcome their own set backs and inner vulnerabilities. He sees challenges as growth and looks for ways to teach of transformation to empower individuals towards the Ascension process. He calls individuals to lead, teach and guide others, utilising their own point of learning. In this way he is known as `the Light Bearer`.

If you have Archangel Uriel overseeing you right now there is no doubt that you are on a calling to achieve a life purpose which supports the greater work of the Divine. You will have been undergoing major transformation, which may at times have been difficult to manage or take in. It is likely that you are working with a number of higher beings in their many forms to gain spiritual growth that allows you to be `an ambassador` for the spirit world, angelic realm or other dimensional being, in which case you are in your own right a Leader, Speaker, Guide or Teacher for others.

If Archangel Uriel was assigned to you permanently then it is likely that you have a life long mission of helping with the major transformation of the planet as well as your own personal Ascension. If this resonates with you then remember that you have a duty to observe your own thoughts and behaviours, to keep your ego in  check and to continue your vow to do the greatest amount of good for the masses as is within safe energetic capability. 

Archangel Uriel`s message is `master your natural state of transformation to see the Light of the Divine`

Kirsty Elizabeth 

Archangel Gabriel

                                                                      Achangel Gabriel

If Archangel Gabriel is overseeing you right now you can be assured of the Loving Guidance of the Divine Energy source in the Divine Feminine form

Faith      Love       Peace     Harmony

   Archangel Gabriel is a beautiful and loving energy which has the ability to come close within us to reach into our very heart and soul. Often presented in female form Archangel Gabriel is the energy of Love and gentleness that we all need to feel in times of fear, worry or sickness.
Archangel Gabriel is the nurturer of all living beings, having the ability to soften energies created by trauma and harshness, to bring balance and natural alignment through compassion and reassurance.

Archangel Gabriel understands and heals all issues of love and relationships with others, including our own relationship with ourselves. He also works with those who seek relief from the pain of grief, emotional health problems and fear of death. He is the ambassador for the heavenly after life.  
Archangel Gabriel is the protector of women, children and families; as well as the sick and the dying. He ensures the loving care of the departed and their crossing to the afterlife, with special consideration to children, babies and unborn babies as well as those who are traumatised during their passing. Archangel Gabriel holds the high vibration of compassion for those who suffer with addiction of any sort and can bring healing of all emotional pain. In this way Archangel Gabriel offers loving healing to those who have suffered emotional difficulties as a result of the break down of a relationship with a loved one, including break ups and divorce. 
Having Archangel Gabriel with you right now may mean that you are healing from emotional or traumatic experiences, learning to love yourself or caring for others. It may also be that you are drawn to work within job roles that involve caring, nurturing or healing.

Archangel Gabriel leaves a white feather as his calling card. He connects us to the love of those who reside in the world of spirit and acts as the bridge to external existence. He guides us to see ways in which we can promote our own healing through working on forgiveness, self love and selflessness. 
Archangel Gabriel can be invoked through prayer.

Archangel Gabriel channels the sensitives, empaths and the creatives, encouraging them to understand the purpose of their own being. He is the overseer of  all guardian angels. 

If Archangel Gabriel was assigned to you permanently then it is likely that being called upon to be a light for others or the voice of hope at various stages of your life. You are a keeper of the faith and are able to be a helping hand to those who fall temporarily into the dark.  

Archangel Gabriel`s message is one of love. You are known and understood by the Divine. 

Kirsty Elizabeth 

Archangel Michael


Archangel Michael

If Archangel Michael is overseeing you right now you can be assured of the protection of Divine Source energy in the Divine Masculine form. 


   Archangel Michael has the power of vanquishing evil entities that have the intention of causing harm or chaos to humanity, or who invisibly pray on the energy of humans, in a vampiric manner.
 He is given the power of God as a sword and shield to protect all of humanity from dark energy sources that are unnatural to this realm and removes them from the Earth dimension for the good of all.
Archangel Michael also possesses great powers in protection from negative energy that may come from other humans who are not awake to the loving energies of compassion. He is also able to dissolve residual energy of pain or trauma left by those departed to the world of spirit and transmute any negative or stagnant energy that we are storing within ourselves, sending it into the light for recycling through the elements.
Archangel Michael can be called in to clear any physical space, such as a home or work place. 
He can be relied upon to release fear or worries from lower vibrational sources picked up through the lower chakras, preventing them from causing permanent damage to the nervous system. 
Protection of vulnerable individuals is also a duty that is assigned to Archangel Michael.

If you have Archangel Michael overseeing you right now it could be that you are feeling, vulnerable, fearful or powerless within yourself or about a situation. If this is so, be rest assured that your prayers have been answered and you are safe.

But it could also be that you feel a strong spiritual purpose as a Lightwarrior or Lightworker. Archangel Michael will back you up all the way and support you to find strength and courage to work on your calling. 
If Archangel Michael was assigned to you permanently then it is likely that being called upon to be the protector of others or to become the voice of the supressed, afflicted or vulnerable will be a major part of your spiritual life work. If this is the case then you can guarantee that you are fully guided and protected, but you may need to put yourself into some harsh energy spaces in order to get things done. If this resonates with you then you are highly likely to be an energetic shadow worker who understands the working of Light and Dark energy in order to manifest positive outcomes and protect others.

Archangel Michael`s message is do not be afraid. You have the highest protection of the Divine. 

Kirsty Elizabeth 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The Magic Mirror Portal 2020

Today let’s question the nature of reality and ask ‘Am I real ?’ This is a vital concept for anyone on a spiritual journey to contemplate. An awakening comes when there is a realisation ... a lightbulb moment 💡... an Aha! (Breaking through your perceptions to see how you have no limits and that your own mind has been a construct in which you have created a reality that makes sense to you.) Undergoing a change in perception is a gift, but often requires the catalyst of an adverse situation to push you through it. Suddenly you see that you have been asleep and as you look back on the old you it seems like that was all a dream. This growth of consciousness comes in stages or sometimes waves. Just as space is constantly expanding so is consciousness. You have access to infinity, but can only see as far as your own depth of perception. This perception is registered through your intuition, your sensitivity and your emotional state of compassion. My guide said to me today: You have all that you need to ride to the very edges of the universe; and also to make a complete transformation into a brand new form. This knowledge is where you will find complete healing and eternal life. So I thought that maybe I should give it a go 👁 10.10.2020 10 affirmations for the October portal. I can access deep inner wisdom. New opportunities present themselves to me. I can see my own self development needs. I have limitless capabilities. I am ready to work in new ways to heal myself. I trust the flow of the universe. Energy communicates to me and through me. I shrink potential barriers to be overcome. I solve problems by inner reflection. I can perceive how others see me. 15.10.20 will be the centre point of balance between the October Energetic Portal of 10.10.2020 to 20.10.20 which my guides have named ‘the Magic Mirror’ As I reach outward of my self I arrive further within myself. All that I look for in you is what I need to see in me. The link between our outer and inner worlds begin and end at the same point. All energy is cyclic. My outer reality helps me to understand my inner self. The physical world supports my inner growth, needs and desires. I can see myself everywhere I look and in everyone I meet. My engagement with life is consciousness. The physical world is here for me to explore myself. As I interact with others I can reflect to them their own inner light. I can be a mirror, reflecting their attitudes, behaviours and beliefs. I can shatter their illusions, delusions and break down barriers if that is what their learning requires. As a mirror to me they can do the same, simultaneously. Awakening is the seeing that the outward search for anything that we reach for, be it growth, love, distraction, attention, wealth, knowledge, experiences, success etc are all solved by looking within. This is the meaning of the October 2020 Portal. It is a ‘Magic Mirror’ which allows us to reflect deeply on who we are in order that we can overcome our own barriers to emotional happiness. In addition it is a powerful spiritual magnet which opens us to vulnerability and shows us the way to heal.