1.11.2020 -11.11.2020
This has been a time of great activity by the Angelic Realms, the Ascended Masters and Ancestors. Seeds of change have been planted in the name of LOVE.
This has been a challenging time for lightworkers and sensitives, who may have been feeling the effects of being a conduit for the transmutation of negative energies or working to break down barriers to a new move forward.
The energy will grow into a more positive and hopeful vibration across the coming months until March 2021.
My guide tells me that there is the potential for a speed up of the manifestation process towards the middle of December.
The way to hold the light at this time is to focus on loving expressions of hope, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude. If you hold this energetic vibration you are supporting the Angelic realm and raising the physical vibrations to create positive solutions, healing and change.
Angels work on a subtle energetic vibration. Whispers of their presence can be felt through the physical senses and the nervous system. They embrace sensitive souls and value the virtuous qualities of those who hold faith. However, this time the Angelic influence in the physical environment is not of subtlety or whispering, but of obvious forward movement and a cleanse of stubborn darknesses.
11 reminders of Angelic practices

The Ancestors’ Portal 1.11.2020 -11.11.2020
The 1.11 -11.11 Angelic portal has been thrown wide open by the energetic clearance of the Angelic realm, flooding our Earth plane and touching our lives with Divine Intervention. We have been asked to surrender to this process and allow the beauty to manifest within us and around us.
We are seeing the emergence of the Great Masters, our own Ancient Ancestors, step back into old territory with the intention to restore it to balanced and natural energetic vibrations.
Those with a purpose or calling for environmental work, community work, healing work and positive technological advancement will be awoken to solutions and actions.
Those with a heart of compassion, kindness, love and harmonious living will be filled with the power to channel Divine source energy.
Creatives will access hidden vibrational healing codes and manifest them into artistic form in the name of love and progress.
The spiritual community will grow and connect in their brotherly bond of the Rainbow children, relieving increased guidance and courage.
Today feel the positive influence of the hand of the Ancient wise ones steadying your course and resetting your sub conscience to a loving vibration of hope and of joy.
Your Own blood Ancestors who reside in the world of spirit have their chance to play their part in the current Angelic Gateway of November 2020.
These may be family that you have known and met during your current lifetime or those from too far back in time for a physical connection.
Time does not exist in the spirit world therefore you are a part of the NOW awareness of all of your ancestors. They will know and love you as their own.
Loved ones who have passed into the invisible dimension can work under the guidance of your guardian Angel to support your emotional journey. In this way they connect to you on a link of Love
which is open to you at all times.

Those who have lived before us have much to offer in supporting the life force of the planet. The wisdom and learning that is gained by individuals is never lost or wasted. Death is not an ending. It is simply a change in dimension. Those who have lived through difficult worldly events across our physical history have so much guidance to offer at this time. We are not alone.
The Ancsestors’ Portal opens a doorway of hope, where all beings of high vibration, such as the ascended masters , ancient souls and other dimensional guides will work energetically alongside the Angelic realms to flood our planet with love, support, healing and guidance towards solutions.
Your loved ones living in spirit form will be active in watching over your best interests at this time. All of this will be along the guidance of the Angelic Contract which you created with your guardian Angel before your birth.
As we approach 11.11 we will see a great transfer of love and energetic clearing across the dimensions, where a great focus will be placed on clearing energies of pain across the planet, which has its basis in a time passed, mostly due to suffering of wars, aggression and control issues. This will include pain caused by acts of cruelty and suppression, related to themes such as gender and race. All of this is part of the death of an era where masculine energies became distorted and out of balance.
To take part in this simply make it your intention to live in a manner that shows compassion to all beings and honour the angelic teachings of forgiveness and prayer.
Kirsty Elizabeth
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