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09.09.2020 - 20.09.20
The Eye of the Needle Portal

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven" Luke 18:25
My guides have been wanting to explain how this is a point of a spiritual peak, where there is likely to be an on mass breaking point of intention due to new ways of seeing the world and of being a part of it.
The Eye of a Needle is used in Christianity and Islaam as an expression of being put into a tight space that shows us our physical limits.
Both teach of the ‘gateway’ to heaven and use the term to express how the accumulation or persuit of riches and material possessions is not the path to the kingdom of God. Only faith is the path.
Current philosophy sees this as a dimension within our selves.
From 9.9.2020 to 20.9.20 the world will be supported to go through an intense learning regarding the way to enlightenment and Ascension.
This will affect the world of business and commerce in our physical reality.
Individuals who have been drawn to look at making creative changes to their own lifestyles, for the betterment of themselves, their fellow men and the environment will find the opening easier to push through.
Those intent on destruction through selfish gains will find forceful blocks placed against their intentions.
This is yet another reference to a ‘birthing experience’ as we have reached our full term of experience in our current form and are ready to exert ourselves into a new world.
You may find this emotional, painful or physically exhausting, but you know that it is simply part of the process. The easiest way to travel through the eye of a needle is to surrender and go with the flow.
It will be so worth the freedom of being on the other side.
Please share this post to raise awareness
As we go through the September 2020 portal we have limited space for carrying forward. This is a time to prioritise and only take what really matters. You simply cannot carry everything that you have accumulated.
Priorities include
Positive Expectations
The Universe is drawing your personal attention to the major shift that has occurred within our physical experience.
You may be sat in a realisation of the past being gone.
If so just remember this ...
We cannot recognise we are in a new era until we can be aware of the one that we have left.
This is a true awakening

9.9.2020 - 20.09.20 Ascension Portal
The world is so confused right now with so much being bombarded at us and a seeming block to a long term vision. We are trying to make sense of mixed messages, unclear instructions and a polarity of facts.
This all causes mass anxiety, if it is allowed to be the reality in which we buy into.
The spirit world has another option.
The vulnerabilities and sensitivities within us can lead to a sense of lack that can cause much suffering to individuals and to whole societies. Trying to find answers and healing in a chaotic world can feel like looking for a needle in haystack.
My guides are calling this September 9/9 gateway ‘the Eye of the Needle’. Spiritual seekers will find this portal an opportunity to find the point of pain within themselves and to go further within their own sense of faith to reach a sensation of wholeness. It is a doorway to an inner world that has the ability for great depth, much needed in our current time.
You may be feeling a little torn in your choice of direction due to the polarisation of our physical outer reality and that of our inner guidance. Many are finding that they are pointing in opposite directions.
While we perceive that they are the reality, it is more likely that there is no direction, other than NOW and that exists where you believe you are at.
Advice for Sensitives and Empaths
As we go through the September 2020 Portal {which my guides are calling Them Eye of the Needle Portal of Ascension’} be aware of where your sensitivity and high emotional vibration is ( and how it has) left you open to manipulation from lower vibrational operators.
Part of the wake up call for sensitives is to realise the truth that not everybody has the loving agenda that you seek from within your own being. Humans are living in a multi dimensional frequency of levels, which means that we are not actually playing on an even field.
You may recognise this as the much discussed Empath and Narcissist relationship trap.
A sensitive can feel very vulnerable in a world where they have forgotten their true power; and no matter how much spiritual progress they think they make they are disappointed to find themselves repeating hurtful experiences with false beliefs in people who have read the heart on their sleeve and got them sussed

This happens across all forms of relationships, not only in romance. It can be seen as a kind hearted employee who is taken advantage of by a money focused boss; a friend who visits when they need you and then leaves you empty, a sibling who plays the victim card to get attention when the chips are down at their own doing...
The list is endless...
From 9.9.2020 - 20.9.20 we will be offered a major shift of perspective where we may see some old pain rise up for some healing. Use this time to learn where your energy sits and who it interacts with. This theme of realisation rises up again on the portal of 20.10.20 in approx 6 weeks time. By then it would be great if you were in a higher position of clarity about what is best for you and who you really are. We will be encouraged to reflect on our putter and inner worlds and assess at what point they meet.
In short this next 2months is all about ego work and those who go deeper within to the self will find the point beyond the ego personality existence which will clarify everything.
Kirsty Elizabeth