Birthing a New Era -Autumn 2020
Maiden, Mother, Crone is a sophisticated understanding, knowledge and connection with the cycles of nature and of seeing how the human life form is a connected part of a greater consciousness. It is a major part of pagan and shamanic practices across the world, seeing the feminine as life giving and sustaining.
The Maiden Mother Crone can be seen as one person, as a family unit or community and also as a metaphor of spiritual ascension. It reminds us of the constant movement and transformation of the essence of life and encourages us to look at our own life journey. It teaches of the feminine attributes within all life forms and promotes a sense of gratitude and blessings.
The acceptance of our own physical ageing and becoming resigned to our limited physical existence in our current form is a vital part of its wisdom. Maiden, Mother, Crone works alongside a connection to spirit and holds an awareness of the final transformational stage of all living things, the transcendence into the world of spirit.
Stories, Works of Art and Music, Dance and all creative expression stem from this feminine philosophy, which is embedded deep into our psyche. Religion and Morality too hold complex origins in this notion, meaning that our world of laws and business are entangled with an emotional and spiritual connection of the Divine Feminine Teachings.
2020 is the birthing of an era.
Giving birth is a known problematic and painful process which is not without risks or danger. Nevertheless it is the natural way of manifestation of physical existence and is nothing new to mankind.
A blessed cleanse of physical energy is moving and clearing any accumulation of stagnant and toxic energies, pushing it through to our natural systems of purification, our trees and plants and our elemental weather systems.
We have begun a new era. The old era is passed. The trouble is it has left behind a great deal of residual energy, which needs to be swept away. Due to the speed at which transformation has happened (and the natural human dislike of change) some individuals are in a state of resistance to the the new and are still carrying the values of the masculine energetic approach that dominated our world since the beginning of industrial revolution.
The divine masculine was the force behind huge cultural, scientific, technological and philosophical advancement ( to name a few ) and brought the planet into a new state of physical being. It brought with it wonderful opportunity and great progression in capabilities. However you can only have so much of a good thing before it over exceeds it welcome. The many negative effects of such an era, have become intolerable to modern tastes and spiritual sensitivities.
Together we have manifested a call for change and it has been answered.
With the divine feminine now entering centre stage we have a new boss... and she wants to sweep clean !
Her message is one of trust; that she has the greater good in mind, but that despite her reputation for being nurturing and loving, she is not afraid to exert her power; and nor is she incapable, as she delivers her mission to return the energies of our planet into a state of balance and raise the consciousness of all life forms to meet the new agenda.
The coming weeks are a time of preparation, just as, when a family prepares for the birth of a child, there are things to organise, make and clean up.
By the end of the Autumn we will be nurturing the new life. We may have our work cut out for us, but we also know in our hearts that there will be tremendous joy ahead.
May you feel connected to the community of humanity; and at one with the great spirit.
Kirsty Elizabeth

N.B Ancient cultures understand the wisdom of age and respect for elders and honour the feminine in all life forms. If you have lived before within such a community you will feel this speak loud and clear right now.
Many people of Ancient Cultures are reincarnated at this time. Their purpose is to connect with the new energies and to fuel them forward through loving kindness and compassion, wisdom and the passing on of lost knowledge; and a fearless faith in the workings of the Divine.
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