11.1.21 through the seeming chaos of a disrupted world remember to hold your own intentions with dignity and grace through such practices as
self care
surrender and release
All of which will be the greatest service that you can be to the flow of the highest good.
11.1.21 -21.1.21 is a gateway in which lightholders may connect with Divine energies associated with Archangel Gabriel, which will include closer connection with your own guardian angel.
At the same time we should be holding a light for those who pass over into the heavenly realm and remember that the eternal love link of those whom we care about can never be broken, but will remain as a constant flame of connection, which reaches across the dimensions.
Angels ask that we focus on bringing peace to the new era through our own thoughts and actions and seek to connect to others in a way that creates a state of harmony.

Angelic healing is limitless

‘I am open to miracles’
On 21.12.20 Lightholders received a pure liquid golden light that resonated through the Soul Star Chakra of each individual, flowing down through the 11 chakra points below to reach the Earth Star Chakra, the point at which we are all connected to the centre of the Earth.
This golden light liquid has the power to ground every one of us to the purpose of our physical existence here at this time on planet earth, triggering an on mass sense of connected identity. This will continue to resonate through the energetic fields of every individual, lighting the way for a new era through changes of thinking and inspiring new ways of being.
Lightholders are the first of the new humanity to hear this call; and despite the seemingly massive amount of engulfing darkness that appears to be before us, they each will hold their one light high, helping others to take that one step forward towards a better world.
11121 The Angels have a plan for you and for all.
The key to working with Angels is simple.... get out of the way and let them do their thing !!!
Most of our challenges come from our own state of resistance, or our ego obsession with thinking that we know better. In this way we become our own worst enemy.
Angels have your back today and everyday. Surrender your struggles within yourself and listen to their loving guidance. This is the quickest road back to harmony and the fastest way to flow through transformation.
Earth Angels everywhere are learning major life lessons about boundaries and self preservation at this time due to the intensity of actions and beliefs that are being played out through mind based choices which are presenting as mass confusion and self destruction.
Earth Angels are givers and nurturers. Current happenings in the world are causing many sensitives and lightworkers to feel a sense of overwhelm. This happens when harsh energies are perceived by the nervous system and sent through to the physical body.
Earth Angels are being asked to sit quietly, listen and find the stillness within. This is the only real truth. All that is being said and done by others is simply narratives created by a focus on ego agendas. (People are airing their dirty laundry

To bring yourself back to harmony deploy the following strategies:
Say ‘no’ to excess
Choose carefully who to interact with
Spend time alone
Get out in nature
Assert self care as a priority
Enjoy your hobbies
Calm your thoughts with mindfulness
Think positive affirmations
Relax and Rest
Switch off negative or indulged news
Surrender to the flow
Delegate tasks
Eat and drink natural products
Listen to gentle music
Unfriend extreme promoters
Speak from your heart
Chat to loving friends and family
Turn away from drama
Disengage from frustration
Focus on new ideas/ plans ahead
Live through the heart
Connect with love

Remember that you cannot fix every situation. Step back and focus on bringing yourself into wholeness of mind, body and spirit harmony.
Set yourself as an example.
Love to you
Kirsty Elizabeth
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