2.2.2021 - 22.2.2021
When energies intensify it may be overwhelming for the most sensitive souls. This is a time to surrender and observe and to focus on the positive aspects of your space and time.
Moment to moment we can expect polarised emotional experiences to resonate through us. You may feel as though your heart is open to the bliss of the divine and in another second you are down at the pit of the caverns of the deepest realm.
Your physical energy may also fluctuate across the day.
Remember that you are responding to a swirling storm of high frequency vibration, which hold invisible intentions. This is the very power of Alchemy.
Energy that is coming in is meeting with energy that is leaving, causing a thunderous fight for space.
Added in the mix is the upgrade that we have undergone across recent months, allowing us to begin to sense the emotional debris of the collective. As we are in the early stages of feeling this new ability we are not yet skilled in how to send back to it to resolve it; or how to calm the high alert signals that we are receiving through our nervous systems. Simply feeling it is a sign of great progress, but remember to keep yourself in a good state of self care.
As we are still in the midst of the Lightholders Portal ( 22.12.2020 - 22.02.2021) we can continue our plans to lay low and work on our inner selves. Holding the Light for yourself is the greatest skill that you can learn and it is vital that this be mastered by anyone intending to shine the Light for others. We are doing the root work. We are the seeds below the surface of the soil. We are being energised and fed in anticipation of the efforts needed to create the blooms of the Spring and Summer.
Ascension Codes and Spiritual Downloads in February
The Crown centre sits at the top of the head and is the first energetic portal whereby the divine light makes contact with the physical body.
Since 21.12.2020 we have been receiving new light codes through the opening of the Soul Star Chakra, (12 inches above the head) which is the point of connection of a number of different energetic bodies which resonate through your physical system. These are invisible, but may be felt through the nervous system.
Today’s crown chakra activation is the beginning of new physical changes being poured into the body through crystalline light downloads. You have the choice to accept these energetic codes or to remain as you are.
Fully accepting the activation will bring you in line with the new energies which are working to create the new Earth reality. As a result your own spiritual gifts and skills will be enhanced. You will be filled with a new loving energy that finds new inspiration to create goodness. You will become one of the leaders of the new ways.
The crown chakra activation will feel as though the energy drops deep into your whole head, forming a diamond shape whereby the top of the diamond at the base touches the centre of your brain, engaging with the nervous system. Energy can then flow freely throughout the whole body. Be sure to accept this beautiful force into every cell of your body. Receive it as healing, as positive expectation and of joyful emotions.
You may feel this activation in a number of different ways, such as tingling, ear ringing, heavy headed sensations, light headed ness, lack of focus, dreamy or a sense of calm.
Some may experience physical symptoms such as headache, sinus and ear problems, dry throat or thirst, sore skin to touch or tiredness but this will fade with self care.
Hoping that all is well with you in this time of growing enlightenment.
Kirsty Elizabeth
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