Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron is the ‘youngest’ of the Archangels who stands at the gateway of all human ascension, for individuals and for the transformation of mass consciousness.
The reason that we associate Metatron with this role is due to the fact that he is one who became an Archangel by being taken from Earth in human form, by God, into the heavenly realms; without going through the process of death. (ascension)
In his earthly life Archangel Metatron was Enoch, an ancestor of Noah. The book of Enoch relays how his physical body was transformed into that of a higher being, with 72 sets of wings and a radiant golden crown that signified his divine leadership over the other Archangels.
Archangel Metatron is said to have been given information on the nature of the working of the universe and of creation. This is symbolised by Metatron’s’ cube and sacred geometry; and is the reason that numbers are associated with angelic presence, e. g 11 11 333
Metatron’s cube represents
-the interconnecting divine feminine and masculine in creation and universal balance
- forces that govern the evolution of matter and consciousness (universal laws)
- the blueprint for the evolution of the universe
The Qabala places Metatron at the point of the opening of consciousness or awareness of the ‘I Am’ presence. Interestingly this placement is also known as ‘the crown’ and has association with the crown chakra.
Taking all of this into account you can start to see the way in which Archangel Metatron is a powerhouse behind the transformational energetic forces that we are feeling and experiencing with the shift into a new era.
He stands as the perfect narrative for the golden light codes that reach deep within us and transform our DNA. He is the ultimate wayshower for ascension to higher consciousness and being. He represents divine timing and the awakening of humanity in-line with comic transformation of matter.
He is relatable to individuals as he lived in human form, something that Angels had not experienced.
Archangel Metatron is thought to sit at the side of God where he acts as a scribe to the deeds of humanity. This links him to the Akashic records and laws of Karma.
Metatron is a spiritual archetype that can be relatable to many through a vast list of labels...scientist, mathematician, wizard, holy man, magician, leader, scribe, lawman, theologian, seeker, hermit, explorer, alchemist, witness etc
The nature of Enoch’s journey from human to leading Archangel expresses multi dimensional possibilities to experiencing being through the ‘I am’ awareness.
Archangel Metatron can be looked up to as the high reaching potential within all of us at the same time as we are in awe of his power to grasp the knowledge of the making of the universe, held in his hand as one symbol. (Merkaba)
In this way Archangel Metatron teaches us that WE are both the humble human and the almighty essence within one form .
As he showers us with the enlightening golden codes of transformation, which reach deep within our DNA and enables us to operate in a higher dimensional frequency., we are given the understanding that we are activating this process all within ourselves from a higher point of ourselves that we have not yet been made aware of.
In this thought we are god and man all in one sweet perception. This I believe is the real mystery of the narrative of Archangel Metatron.
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