Archangel Raphael King of the Elementals
Some spiritual thinkers may speak to you of their frustrations of the world, using emotive language that calls to your inner victim and focuses your attention on intrigue and drama...
This is NOT the way of Angels and the new guides who come to surround every level of vibration with codes of love.
None more so than Archangel Raphael who expresses a sense of humour and a light hearted approach to every aspect of existence.
Archangel Raphael is an omnipotent shape shifting being who brings the Light of the divine and the heavenly realms into our atmosphere, merging it with the magical wisdom of the elemental kingdom in his role as a source of healing and magical manifestations.
Raphael aligns his energy with any living element, be-it human, animal or plant; that wishes to offer a service of healing to the planet and that which thrives upon it in the form of life.
As an archangel Raphael has deep mystical connection to the stars and the guides of the worlds beyond our knowledge. In particular he infuses his energy to incorporate love and harmonious energy intentions sent from alternative vibrations. Galactic guides who work to send healing support to our planet at this time, such as Pleiadian, Sirian, Lyran, Hathor; can blend their energetic field with the green light ray of Archangel Raphael in order to work invisibly on maintaining harmony across the planet. Their teaching is not only of our oneness with one another but also of our oneness with the living natural eco system of the Earth. This makes environment an agenda of high priority, as we are being taught of new ways in which we can love ourself and our home surroundings.
Archangel Raphael is known by the catholic faith for his ability to shift into human form to visit individual humans and to offer support. In this way he is associated with the work of Jesus to send love to all beings, to channel messsges of eternal love and hope and to support healing work of individuals. Raphael can become a personal guardian Angel to anyone who has a mission of healing within their sense of purpose. He guides medical, holistic and therapeutic professionals with a wing around their shoulders.
Archangel Raphael, like Gabriel likes to make his presence known for recognition of his guidance. He is known for his sense of humour and shock value of coincidences. Archangel Raphael interacts through technology, using music and the playing songs of particular resonance at with on point timing. TV and radio voices may answer your questions, repeat your words or speak at the same time as you. Billboards and magazines may reflect certain words and images with timely coincidences that seem ‘weird’.
Raphael connects to the devotion of animals to humanity, and encourages the joy of pets. Playing football with a dog can bring joy to the heart. Raphael also invites us constantly to connect with our inner child, encouraging us to take a playful approach to our daily life.
Raphael’s wisdom is taught through the stories of many cultures including creation stories, legends and folklore. It is also channeled through all art forms giving messages through multi sensory and psychological methods.
Archangel Raphael presents as a wonderfully kind and wise gentlemen who has a generous heart but a passion for living. He inspires creatives, cleanses the sensitives, guides the healers and empowers the guardians of the Earth across dimensions of being, including the fairy realms.
Trying to envision the breadth of his reach is unfathomable; and yet you will feel this Archangel as close to you as you would a loving grand father, uncle or brother should you be in a time of need.
Working with Archangel Raphael is a joy. The green ray on which he encodes is a direct connection to the heart chakra offering cleansing and purification for healing from any emotional wound. Raphael also acts as a greeter of those crossing over from this world into the spirit world and is especially compassionate to those who have suffered a long term illness or who experience a sudden unexpected passing. Family left grieving of lost loved ones are enveloped in his healing light at their darkest hour.
The message of the Angels is quite clear as we sit at 4.4.2021.
Love is the way.
To connect with Archangel Raphael engage with nature, especially plants and greenery.
Kirsty Elizabeth 

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