Focus and Perception - The Great Reveal
Today I have been contemplating the way in which my own perceptions are not always reflecting the true reality; and I realised how harsh I am on my expectations of myself and what I am meant to be doing here on the planet.

I have realised that I exist here under an unconditional expectation by the Divine and found that I have a strong resistance to ‘just being’. It is only me who seeks to prove to validate my existence or my worth.
As I think about it, I know that I have done plenty of good deeds across my lifetime so far; and that I have a list of brilliant successes to my name. So why does my mind always seek to look for doing one more deed to make me feel useful ???...
The actions of the past can seem lost. As a tree grows its leaves so I bring forward deeds and successes. I know very well that the natural cycle of time results in the shedding of leaves to create room for regrowth. The old energies die away as leave fall to the ground to become recycled nourishment.
Currently the new blooms of Spring are all around me; and they are so beautiful.
So why does my mind insist on dancing in the old leaves ???
I held the thought that : Every leaf that ever grew is known by the Divine. There has never been any expectation other than to be here and grow through the process. This is the natural process.
Somewhere in my mind an unnatural thought has seeded that has fuelled my expectation of my sense of purpose, which has held my attention and kept me busy on producing to levels that I do not have the resources to sustain. Self judgement and self criticism have provided the perfect environment for an unhealthy perception to grow. My mind has taken this perception and run with it, spreading and cultivating until the over growth hid the original planting.
You may yourself have experienced a similar learning this week as we work together to unveil some personal challenges and decode inner conflicts.
This is because we are in a time of a ‘great reveal’.
This was forseen by Spiritual speakes some months ago but due to many fear based narratives has been misinterpreted as a prophetic message.
The expectation of some was that some big reveal on the political stage might occur, or that some dark deeds might be unearthed on a mass scale.
The truth has been more simple.
The great reveal is proving to be an inward breaking down of the focus and perceptions of every individual.
21.4.21 was an intense point of a portal which is carried over by the Full Moon on the 26th April for the coming few days. This has been a powerful time for aha moments, breakthroughs and epiphanies.
This is a time to observe how you are integrating on a level of new emotional understanding with the change of energies that we have experienced across the last 12 months.
Working with the energy of reveal takes the courage to feel insecurities and to drop into vulnerability.
Seeing new perceptions and understanding how we have mentally and emotionally come to be is an act of transcendence into a higher state of consciousness.
Kirsty Elizabeth 

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