3.6.21 As we head to the 6.6 gateway which sign posts us on to the solstice we are given clear sense of a split in timelines that works to our benefit as we continue to carve out our own individual journey of emotional experiences, which ultimately work towards our higher enlightenment.
Not everyone can travel the same path, regardless of the destination; and not all of us remain on one constant path.
The decisions that we make in every now moment have an effect in manifesting our future. This is the heart of the law of attraction which teaches us that we have a choice about how we react to every moment and that we are powerful creators of our own destiny in how we invest in ourselves.
For many June 2021 will open doors to new destinations, emotionally and physically. There is so much guidance ready and available from high resonating souls who wish to support us. You may be aware of this as the magical portals of the elemental realm have brought the invisible realms closer to us across the natural change of season as we went through May into June. This was enhanced in 2021 by planetary movements and the Supermoon energies.
Today my guide wishes to discuss bringing life choices down to two options. He talks to me about emotional mindset and states that the two door option is the correct image for current energy work.

Across June timelines will split to allow for growth and a widening of experience. Look for these doorways closer to home than you would normally expect. Transformation is happening even if you do not believe that you can see it.
6.6 gateway
The 6.6 is gateway is an important step , along with 12.6.21 leading to the Solstice on 21.6.21.
Listening to my guide I understand that this may seem like 2 steps forward and 1 step back; or a sense of frustration in waiting for a faster acceleration of news or events.
This I am assured is ok, in fact it is an important part of the lead up to events. There is so much positive support available to us all but the method in the madness is to allow us to sense our way in a method that works longer term.
We are dealing with a split in energy that offers changes in timelines. These are directly linked to our emotional selves.
As the Solstice marks the mid point in a current agenda of learning for humanity; which began on 02.02.2020 and completes on 22.12.2022, many of us may be facing an old demon or two in an attempt to double check that we have learned to do what is right for us.
We are still managing through adverse times, which have yet to be resolved, but we have learned along the way to create a ‘tool kit’ for use when times become difficult. If you can recognise these as personal skill sets that you have learned to support yourself and others then you should feel extremely pleased with yourself. 6 6 can be associated with challenges but it is how you are managing them that matters.
The Elemental realms are made up of beings of all forms of energy, across the spectrum of perceived light and dark whose co existence represent balance. The 6.6 portal is a time of balancing and fine tuning these energies within our own emotional bodies in a way that feels right for the moment that is being presented.
19.06.2021. Timeline Jump
The last 18 months has been about ONE single theme …. PURGE
This has been extremely gruelling for so many of us to bare, physically and emotionally it is a vital part of the story of humanity and it’s beautiful evolution.
If I could give you ONE clear message as we approach the Solstice it would be :

The time that you think on and rely on for a source of identity of

It is no longer available to you as a resource
As we approach the hugely impactful gateway of the coming Solstice we stand in a place of no return to the Old World that was our Earthly Reality.

Timeline Jump Occurs
Energetic timelines have ruptured.

This is not a coincidence. It is fate.

Held between the two Solstice dates and Angelic power numbers of

Kirsty Elizabeth

Step forward with every part of your mind, body and spirit.
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