A message of Purity for Sensitives
delivered to me by Archangel Zadkiel.
Purity exist across the globe in its natural perfect form.
Sensitives everywhere have been giving themselves to the greater cause of clearing harsh contrived and distorted energies which are of the era that took humanity away from itself and delved into power hungry methods of selfishness, greed and control.
This has involved the purging of deep pain and emotion.
While many have been clearing issues that relate to their own experiences in this current life; there are those who have the highly sensitive ability to cleanse the darkest deeds of others, which have become imprinted on the Earth plane like stains of imperfection which have spoilt the natural picture.
These individuals are deeply blessed and highly guided by higher beings, from multiple dimensions, who have offered their service at this time.
Those who are here as Transmuters of this energy are being overseen by Archangel Zadkiel, under the violet ray frequency of purification, which was brought into our awareness by Saint Germain.
This is not an easy mission.
The angels hold these beloved children in the light of grace and ask that all Sensitives focus on the gentleness of self care as a divine blessing and a source of comfort.
Archangel Zadkiel asks that Sensitives recognise the great sacrifice of the work that they are doing for the planet, the future and the greater good. He has spoken to me of the humility of those who recognise that they are working in service to the Divine, as part of the Angelic Agenda across 2020 - 2023.
The Angels are devoted to the Sensitives who are embodied on the planet across this time of huge significant change. Purification is a vital part in the bringing forward of the Christ Consciousness.
No one who gives their true heart to this mission will be left to stand alone.
I encourage you to find a devotion to your own heart; and to hold onto your own ray of authenticity as a transmuter of darkness.
Kirsty Elizabeth 

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