Magenta Codes are prevalent as we are welcomed by the loving healing energy of the highest purity of light.
The Magenta ray is a combination of the purple of the violet of the Crown Chakra and the red of the Root Chakra, meaning that it represents the ability for our energies to join for the respective head to tail linear of the chakra system, to join together to become cyclic. Those who can perceive this vision are connected to their higher state of being in the Light and are sitting in a new state of enlightened awareness.
You may remember that I have expressed how the Angelic Agenda for the empowerment of a conscious humanity involves three main spiritual working groups working together in a united connected vision as we move into Spring 2021.
These are Starseeds, Elementals and Old Souls. This is a benchmark in the coming together of separate spiritual agendas to merge on an energetic level to work harmoniously on a loving plan for healing and transformation across the globe. My guide first told me of this in 2001, calling it ‘the gathering’.
This will be a time of great creativity and innovation as we bring forward loving ways to move forward as a species and as a part of a living planet.
As a result of this innovative collective process it will be the purpose of the millions of Earth Angels, who are currently incarnated and have been positioned in roles across the communities; to work to bring these heartfelt agendas into reality and to create new priorities for change, which will have a major impact on the lives of individuals.
May -September 2021 will be a powerful time of group working and synchronising a pure vision that will bring many Lightworkers together on one heart felt mission. The intense purging and clearing of toxic energies from November 2020 to April 2021 has cleared the way for clear channels of communication from guides and has made ready for pure hearted connections.
The Magenta ray is the key holder to the codes for this great agenda. Outwardly it represents the combined loving hearts of the many guides across multi dimensions, who are choosing to gather together in the higher realms to support us at this time. You have never been more protected, guided or loved.
Tapping into your own heart centre is the simplest and most effect way to emerge your energy into this magnificent vibration.
The time of dropping into the heart has almost ended. By the 5.5 gateway (5th May) it will be time to open your heart to connecting, giving and loving to the beautiful intention of the heart of life and all living.
Magenta is the colour of the inner heart. The heart represents the source of all life and the home of pure love. In this way the Magenta ray is the blessed sign of heaven on earth.
For those still looking from a perspective of polarity the Magenta ray offers a raising up to a higher level of vision which allows for all narratives of taking sides to fall away.
Wishing for you Love, Joy and Peace
Kirsty Elizabeth

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