Monday, July 5, 2021

The Angelic Agenda - A bridge to cross


The Angelic Agenda
We are crossing a powerful bridge of time which spans across 2020 to 2023.
In November 2019 my guide appeared to me and told me of the importance between these 2 dates
20.12.2020 - 22.12.22
These happen at the December Solstice.
For my part I was asked to focus on the sensitive community and expressed a keenness to encourage a transformation from powerlessness to powerful.
I was given a vision of humanity building a new bridge, one on which we had to walk across and build as we go.
The destination was unavailable to human vision but was supported by the higher realms through codings within the heart.
The Solstice dates of 2021 are dramatic energy gateways that support the direction of this journey.
21.6.21 is a lead up to 21.12.21 and both numbers are hugely powerful codes.
In fact the solstice dates across this time have strong coding ability as a sequence, all of which is associated with Archangel Metatron and the manifestation of time and space through sacred geometry
All of which align from 2012 and the great prophecy of that date as a marker in time signalling transformation.
My guide explained that Earth is on a 3 year journey of bridging a gap which he now explains to me as a way of navigating some kind of energy distortion or time switch which would span across the years 2020 2021 2022
The agenda is to redirect the whole planet onto a new wave of being. 2021 is a time for the creatives to get their thinking caps on and begin to develop the visions of the new era.
From 2023 we begin a 10 year rebuild of our ways of living, thinking and understanding.
This is the shell of the ‘time scale of ‘the Angelic Agenda’ as I can understand it. Could 2033 be the beginnings of the Golden Age of Christ Consciousness across the globe? 💛
If you are reading this thank you for being here as a pioneer… and keep on building the bridge.
Kirsty Elizabeth

The Gateway to Heaven for 7 7


3rd - 7th July Sirius Portal, the Gateway to Heaven
🕊 We have to believe that the Spirit World has a way of connecting with us on a loving link if we are to close the gap between worlds and resonate at a higher level of love.
🕊 What better way to achieve this than by delivering proofs of the eternal life of our own nearest and dearest, who have departed of their Earthly form and risen to a higher consciousness of pure love.
🕊 Messages and visitations from loved ones who have passed can be heightened at this time of the year, as we become illuminated through the energy of Sirius whose associated spiritual vibrations allows for a lifting of the veil, that is the deception of a barrier between worlds and opening a ‘gateway to heaven’. This is an Ancient belief, passed down from the time of our Ancient Egyptians ancestors and their belief in Sirius being the domain of the goddess Isis and so being a pathway to other worlds.
🕊 The magical connection of the union of the brightest star in our night sky, Sirius and our Sun who each embody the female and male energetic representations, creates a divine union bringing about cycles of death and rebirth; endings and magical new beginnings. This is the Trinity of Life which conceives a new element of physical manifestation, all directly related to the intentions of the beholder.
🕊 This may signal to you the reignitement of an old, long standing focus or a complete new door opening to possibilities never before conceived.
🕊 Divine unions, soul alignments and like minded attractions can occur. New introductions could be auspicious. Helpful people may be put your way offering new outlook on solutions to challenges.
🕊Links with other realms may be more easily felt
🕊Ancient mysteries and inner understandings might be revealed.
This year the magical 7 7 portal is a triple power number of 7 7 7 which is a number of high angelic support and love 💗
✨ The following may help
Keep your intentions high
Hold an attitude of gratitude
Do not be afraid to dream big
Visualise the best outcome
Maintain a love link with yourself
Manage challenges gracefully
Recognise your successes
Ask for help from guides and angels
Believe in magical opportunities

3rd -7th July Cosmic Support
⭐️ The Sirius Gateway of 2021 is flooding one and all with cosmic opportunity for magical transformations.
⭐️ Known as the Pathway to heaven the alignment of Sirius, the brightest star in our sky with our central life giving sun; is always a magical time for spiritual and emotional journeying, but this year…
✨ following the extraordinary energy codes sent through on the solstice and angelic power date of 21.6.21…
✨ followed directly by the nurturing emotional reach of the Supermoon on 24th June …
✨ And following a whole power month of angelic code dates making June 2021 an empowered month 333 month….
✨ And the current significant position we have reached on our travelling across an Angelic ‘bridge’ across from
02.02.2020 to 22.12.22…
⭐️ The coming 7 7 portal of the alignment of the Sirius Gateway is ever more magical and bursting with the promise of ushering us forward, or onwards and upwards on our journey to envision and build a new world.
(All of this information is written through my previous posts if you care to scroll back)
⭐️ You may have the feeling that you are into something big; and you would be right ✅ only you probably cannot put your finger quite on what it is… 🤔
So Here is THE NEWS …
⭐️ Right NOW the universe and all the beings who work at a higher level to honour its Light are wishing for you to find the openings to new beginnings, breakthroughs and solutions to take on new adventures that you never thought possible.
✨ These guides stand as beacons calling you to take the leap that you never dared to dream.
✨ The only barrier to this wonderful ray of divine intervention could be your own desire to see the magical gifts on offer.
⭐️ Open your heart to progress and throw every piece of faith to commit to the happiness of YOU. In this way you hold out an intention to receive the key to a secret doorway that can reveal itself in mysterious and previously hidden ways.
✨ This is the stuff of fairytales and legends and you are in the leading role. Step into your happy new beginnings and expect to see the biggest transformation to joy that your current living form has ever known. ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨

Solstice to Solstice 21.6.21 - 21.12.21


A New Wave

🌊 21.6.21 to 21.12.21 is a new wave of energetic consciousness that pushes us on our way towards the end of a 2 year journey of bridging a new era at 22.12.22.
☀️ The Solstice portal and Supermoon this week provide an open door for new experiences and opportunities which will have a tidal wave effect, of epic proportion, moving us forward and away from a very slow first half of 2021.
✨ This is all monitored by the highest of the Angelic Realms who are the creators of matter from Light. ✨
🌝 The Supermoon tonight offers blessings and magical transformation for those who seek to be nurtured. The chance to experience a new you is highlighted over the coming 18 months as on 21.6.21 we reached the half way point in our bridge across an energetic reformation
02.02.2020 to 22.12.22.
🌍 The coming 3 months up to the Equinox of 22.9.21 hold some very powerful portal dates which will have dramatic impact in transforming the hearts and minds of individuals, bring new enlightenments to those already in a state of awareness as well as to bring new awakenings to those who have not yet been called.
✨ By 22.12.22 humanity will have more conscious souls within its masses. Individuals will begin to be realigned with new purpose for the creation of the new world reality.
✨ The Angelic Agenda wishes to bring focus to 3 main themes for this new build
Across the coming 18 months your journey maybe guided to become involved in one or all of these themes.
💕 The Angelic Agenda is for the good hearted people of the Earth and is supported by many other beings with a heart for the Earth, including Galactic Guides, the Elemental Realm and the Spirit World.

29.6.21 Lighting the way
🌕 The energies of the Solstice Gateway and the Angelic Power Date of 21.621, followed by the Supermoon of the Strawberry Full Moon on the 24th were felt by many as a new resolution of listening to a higher calling within the self and acting on it to support others.
✨Spiritual beliefs are grounded and living as reality as never before; as so many now see a veil has been lifted on false beliefs, realities and trusts, especially focusing on the leadership of communities and the power games that exist amongst the culture of political and economic leadership.
✨The spiritual community is resolute in trusting their own soul and living from the heart. (Probably more than ever)
✨ The Angelic Agenda of supporting the progress of three major themes through the minds and actions of humanity…
🌍 Environment
🌍 Community
🌍 Communication
… is reaching new individuals and is creating strong links across those already called.
✨ Current times of uncertainty and challenge are asking many of us to be a Lighthouse that shines out the codes we have received over the sea of deep vulnerability, susceptibility and confusion.
We may not know all the answers but we have a good strong sense of Love and Harmony 💕
🙏 A word to the wise:
as we are still learning to channel from the heart without the interruption of the mind it is imperative that we self check our own belief systems and avoid jumping to conclusions, joining with the in crowd or following false narratives as there is still so much false light coming through to the world that is not the agenda of the Angelic Realms. In fact it is a deliberate ploy by the darker forces to interfere with it and is easy to fall into. Be aware of false lightworkers 🙏
✨ Lighthouses protect from danger and show the safe path
If you allow the new energies that are encoded within you to shine out through your heart then you will be a great citizen to the world community and a true Earth Angel.