Have you lived a life in Lemuria ?
The legend of the lost land of Lemuria speaks of a community of loving beings with heightened supernatural abilities, including talking to animals and shape shifting.

As with Atlantis (see my previous posts) it is considered possible that Lemuria existed in another dimension or universe.

The landscape is thought to have been like a tropical paradise
which is why the Indian Ocean was first considered as its Earthly location point.

Here are some of the traits you would find to in a reincarnated Lemurian.

High sensitivity
Extreme empathy
Compassionate and considerate
Psychic / spiritual gifts
Telepathic/ strong 6th sense
Healing abilities
Musically talented
Artistically talented
Animal lover
Good with children
Gentle natured
Highly emotional
Drawn to alternative/ Holistic medicine
Conservationist / Environmentalist
Love of the Sea and Water
Love of being outdoors
Enjoys Gardening /Flower Arranging
Home maker
Caring and nurturing
Supportive and kind to all
Love of clouds and the sky
Interested in Astrology and Astronomy
Cares for others
Teaches others and shares knowledge /skills
Loves summertime and warm climates
Love of rain
Spiritually active (energy cleansing etc)
Drawn to stories and legends
Senses they have lived before
A belief in love and goodness
Likes to collect nice /pretty things
Good natured / approachable/ sociable
Can keep their own company
Insightful and perceptive
Emotionally intelligent
An interest in social sciences and psychology
Excellent judge of character
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