The card of 2020
Card no 20 in the Major Arcana of the Tarot is ‘Judgement’
This card speaks to us of being called to transformation by divine energy. It denotes an unavoidable disruption to the status quo, through the sounding of an Angelic Trumpet; which Resonates through the ears of all mankind, forcing them to stop and listen. Originally called, the Angel, this card was renamed Judgement by our Victorian Ancestors. It is often called ‘Rebirth’ in more modern card decks.
Judgement is seen as one of the most powerful messages of the tarot, due to the nature of its dramatic ability to denote a life change, brought about by a wake up call.
The important thing to note here is that this energy is announced and delivered by a divine being of LOVE
; and, that despite the disruption, the reasoning behind it is that of transformation for the
greater good

2020 has proved to be the deliverer of profound wake up calls, across the whole of humanity. It is a gateway for profound and prolific change, of lifestyle, thoughts and belief systems and socio-political agendas.
2020 is a Rebirth

Some disruption is necessary to highlight the best and the worst of our existence.
Humanity is a work in progress.
We are under construction
Normal service may not be resumed, but we are finding a new way to grow.

Kirsty Elizabeth
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