Are you an Elemental ?
Elementals fall into 4 categories, associated with the 4 elements ...

These are the basis of Astrology
so you may be familiar with their traits

Elemental teachings are passed down through Shamanic and Pagan understandings.
Most us us will recognise being taught the basic personality traits through the telling of folklore and fairytales.

Elemental teachings are embedded in our social approaches in an invisible way, which fits perfectly.
Being an elemental is a form of angelic working as it is a high connection with nature spirits and guides however it brings a completely different experience and purpose to life from that of an Earth Angel, (who are guided by the Angelic Realm). Elementals are energy workers and make good healers. They can also manipulate energy to manifest intentions. We learn from stories that this can be for good or bad, which is why many elements have such interesting characteristics. They often feel a dilemma of moral behaviour and can be drawn to the sex, drugs and rock and roll lifestyle. This tends to be what we love about them and often gives them a cheeky charm with a free spirited personality.
Elementals present in different ways depending on how they are drawn by the 4 elements, but there are some common traits :
A belief in magic
An interest in manifestation of energy
Connection with nature
Interest in Astrology
Love of outdoors
Sense of fun or mischief
Creative and talented
Make things out of nothing

Natural gardeners and in awe of nature
Connect with animals and especially birds
Emotionally deep
Aware of spirituality
Enjoy sleep but can be nocturnal
Appreciate simplicity
Drawn to old ways of living
Love old or interesting objects
Love routines and rituals (including spell casting)
Playful and sometimes easily led
Clever, witty and inventive
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