Bluebirds symbolise joy, lightheartedness and carefree living. The delicacy and agility of these miniature beauties has created an association with the heavenly realms across many cultures. Believed to be messengers of spirit; with the ability to travel between heaven and earth, it is a special and spiritual experience to be in the presence of one of these endearing little creatures.
Bluebirds remind us to live in the moment with childlike appreciation of our blessings. A bluebird can connect us with loved ones who reside in the spirit realm.
Through their ethereal gentleness, Bluebirds speak to us of Hope, Faith and Happiness. The colour blue holds the vibration of emotional healing, promoting the flow of communication of feelings. It is also the colour associated with Mary, Mother Of Jesus; as a nurturer, healer and protector.
Planet Earth holds the blue colour vibration within the illusion of sky and ocean, showing us the power of the physical to transform into the ethereal through our water cycle and weather systems.

What a perfect way to teach us how to transmute our own emotions and cleanse our physical and spiritual energies.
Rainbows are simply water vapour, made visible by light.

Our own energetic bodies are rainbows, as we learn through the chakra system.
We know that one day, when our spirit is risen up high enough, we will alight and transmute, transformation from physical form to light form.
On that day we can expect to flow further forward to places beyond the rainbow where happy little bluebirds fly.

There we will be reunited in a state of childlike and carefree joy, with those who we have loved and lost; the ones who grew too old, the ones who left too soon and the ones who chose to return home.

Until then we can look up to hope to see the bluebirds fly over us and among us here on Earth, promising us a better day tomorrow
As the world of spirit loves and protects us always

... just you wait and see 

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