Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Mysteries of Ancient Times

Are you trying to work out whether there is an alignment with the stars in our night sky and the great structures of the Pyramids and the Sphinx at Giza? All happening in the rise of the Sun sign of Leo?
This theory has excited Scholars and theologians for many years and the new wave of spiritual tastes and conspiracy theories has given it centre stage over recent times.
It seems to me that this whole debate highlights for us humanity’s ‘need to know and be right ‘ culture. This could be an area of focus for shadow work for many of us at this time.
The need to be right is ego based, due to the dominant nature of our need to know who we are and to project this to others. We so easily become fixed in our ideas and our behaviours and we look for others to connect with to confirm our beliefs. We can become so sure that we know the truth and look down upon those who do not, even announcing ourselves to be ‘Awake’ while others not in the know are ‘asleep’.
Such behaviour sounds arrogant at face value, but is simply a form of manipulation, a strategy to convince others (and ourselves) that we are actually in the RIGHT.
Sadly this obsession with knowing the truth and being right is the cause of much pain and suffering, causing extreme views and dividing us within our Earth community and causing chaos, polarity and destructive behaviours.
When will we learn that ...we actually do not know a lot ...but need to work on opening to observing more and talking less?
🙏 Surrender the need to be right. 🙏
Sometimes the greatest knowledge is to leave open a mystery and in the case of the Sphinx we can cherish its continued existence from an Ancient Civilisation, in the hope that we can be reminded of the people of Ancient times, who walked the Earth long ago, believing that they had all the answers to belief, science and the creation of the known universe.
Kirsty Elizabeth ♌️ 🦁

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