The prophecy of Comet Neowise.
Comet Neowise is travelling at 144, 000 miles per hour.
This number is significant to many faiths, including Christianity and Islaam, as being a reference to the number of souls called to work at a higher calling with the Divine; all in the name of goodness and support for all living beings.
The Ancient Mayans also held it as a significant number in their understanding of the passing of time and phases.
Sighting a comet
has long been thought of as prophetic, but sadly superstition and fear based religious culture has often given a negative twist as to its meaning.

Human nature seems to turn naturally to fear and expecting the worst which we now know has a direct link to manifestation of realities.
It is really important that Lightworkers recognise positive signs and symbols from the Divine and share this with others. Positive thoughts lift our vibration and manifest loving and harmonious realities.

We should recognise a vehicle of light that travels around the universe with a 4500 year orbit, travelling at a speed of 144,000 miles per hour as a sign of a change of times, matching all other current modern spiritual thinking at this time as more than a coincidence.
We should celebrate the comet as a beacon, which rides ahead of a new wave of energy that is ready to come roaring in on a new tide.

This comet pulls back the veil of the old era and opens is to new possibilities.
It is a message for all that 144 000 Ascended Masters are working through us to bring in a new light. These would account as 144 000 leaders of light who work from their place next to the Divine to call their tribe of seers, healers and peace makers, to make their mark in setting forth the new light.
To do this we must focus on all that is good, real and true and create new harmony. If you feel called under this energy then be proud. You are here now for a purpose and every purpose may appear different. It is your responsibility to remain true to the greater good and to work in your own unique way to be a beacon of light.
We are all zooming past on our orbital journeys; and like comet Neowise we may not be back for a few thousand years.
Stay Light

Kirsty Elizabeth
Comment below if you resonate 

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