Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Crystal Children

Crystal Children
Crystal Children are here to raise the vibration of love across the planet. Their presence here is a direct result of the manifestation of a change in consciousness across humanity over the last 50 years. They began to arrive at the end of the last century and were a great part in the build of spiritual transformation associated with 2012.
The term ‘Crystal’ speaks to us of a vibration and explains why Crystal children have high empathy, compassion, intuition and healing skills. Their energetic bodies work to connect spiritually with the Crystaline vibration which resonates through the higher chakra system and aura. The arrival of the crystal children is a bench mark in the spiritual evolution of the planet.
Common traits of a crystal child :
Sleeps peacefully
Animal lover
Shy / Withdrawn
Nature lover
Telepathic/ Psychic/ Inner knowing
May be non verbal or quietly spoken
Attractive with large eyes
Secretive/ Mysterious / Introvert
Loves Magic and Fairytales
Musically gifted
Artistic and appreciates beauty in all forms
Deep thinkers
Works at own pace (slow / methodical)
Natural Healing Abilities
Sense of humour and fun
Dislike of loud noises and aggressive energy
Kind/ Loving/ Loyal /Caring
Highly Sensitive Personality traits
Emotionally aware
Dislikes drama and negative energy
Is aware of their own spirituality
Extreme gentleness and grace
Can seem vulnerable to the ways of the world
Crystal children are often born of Earth Angel parent types who have the nurturing ability to recognise their needs. They are also common to families who have older children with Indigo traits, as they are assured of lifetime protection from the more street wise siblings.
The first Crystal children are brave pioneers, choosing a mission to come into a harsh energy environment with the specific intention of doing their part to lift it. As humanity changes in consciousness more such children will be born to us, giving the strength of numbers to their cause to promote love and harmony. The Early Crystals have had a rough ride and it is not surprising that many have suffered emotional darknesses as they have not understood their true calling and may have allowed the density of the world to reach them on a deep level which has caused confusion, discomfort and pain. It will be important to see the offspring of these special souls and observe how the effects of being patented by a Crystal energy worker may spark further spiritual transformation throughout the human race.

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