28.8.20 Elemental Portals
Expect to be transported inwardly on a journey of emotional metamorphosis. Working as part of the Divine Feminine Transformation, the Spirit of nature is opening to new Divine codes, with the intention of taking you with it. This is a highly necessary process of physical cleansing as we dig deep to clear out the remnants of the old 3D energies which stagnate within our physical bodies.
This will culminate at 9.9.2020 and take us across September to the 20.9.20 gateway.
If you have a spiritual calling ... Prepare to experience crystalline photosynthesis and release negativity by osmosis as Mother Nature picks her spiritual flowers for the bloom. 

NO 4 Alchemy
Energy Healing Channeling Ancient Wisdom Protection Cleansing
Past Life Memories A High Calling Transformation Purification Guardianship
Picking this card is revealing to you the truth behind your existence as a wise soul who is likely to have awareness of other lifetimes, different dimensions and alternative realities across time and space.
The purpose of this reading is to confirm to you your calling and to show you how the Elemental Beings know your energy of old and work alongside you in your spiritual mission with great admiration and respect.
Experiencing an energy shift through an Ascension Portal will be nothing new to you, although some may find the suffering that goes with it, which impacts directly on the nervous system and pain body, to be magnified. Those who have worked on a healing path, in this life or in others may have found ways to over ride the physical side effects, but will be able to sense the intense energetic shifts as they occur, often through vibration and sound. Which ever is the case YOU WILL KNOW when Ascension energies are going through you; after which you will feel a desire to offer up your spiritual services in recognition.
Those drawn to this category may come from a range of spiritual backgrounds, beliefs and practices, but will each have a sense of devotion to the Divine and an advanced perception of how this is integral to everyday life. Many will have an awareness of having lived before.
Challenges for this group often lie in their ability to connect comfortably with others, as the path to reach a high level of spiritual understanding has required much inner contemplation and time spent alone.
Alchemists possess the knowledge or the ability to channel knowledge on the transformation of mankind in the process of Ascension, also known as the path to enlightenment or the kingdom of Heaven. They have insight into the hidden Magical ways of universal laws and energy.
Despite their high spiritual abilities those who are on this course will not be sure of their future at this point and may feel that the current portal will bring them to a new place of understanding , purpose or situation in due course. This is a lesson in Faith, Trust and in surrendering control and is a highly blessed practice to be undertaken.
Working with Ancient Guides and higher beings is a natural occurrence for these individuals. Some will feel a resonance with galactic guides or may feel a connection to outer space. if this is the case the Elemental Portals are a potent point of space and time for connecting with other beings who work to support Earth from dimensions that are invisible to the perception of the 3D reality. If this has happened to you then you are already a channel for 5D.
Those drawn to this Reading will have the ability to resonate with energy at extreme low levels of density, enabling them to connect with the depths of the Earth and with matter such as rocks and soil as a form of living consciousness.
One challenge might be the avoidance of operating away from the light through the entering of dark practices, both spiritual and physical. This might include addictions and bad life choices. The alchemist possesses the ability at any time to turn life into new form. The problem is that the wisdom is buried so far within them that they may have to find their way out of a deep rabbit hole in order to get back to the Source.
The Elementals see you as a rock. You are the stuff of life and contain Ancient knowledge!
Rocks come in many forms, from Ancient stone structures rooted to a sacred space, to comets hurtling through deep space. You are a natural creation, as much a part of the planet as a part of the stars. Your very make up holds the key to existence. As such you will combine the pull of two forces, felt by the pull to accept the need to `just be` and the desire to constantly seek. This polarity connects you to the Universal laws and gives you a depth of insight that is associated with that of a Mystic. As such you have the ability to influence the movement of energies and the flow of life. This is a position of responsibility. It is up to you how you bare it, but be aware that you are an influencer of others and you may experience life lessons which to teach you of both polarities of Karmic law and cause and effect.
In stories you may see recognise your spiritual self portrayed as the wizard, a wise older character who has knowledge of the mysteries of the universal mysteries; which gives to them the power of magic. Wizards guide the other characters to help them to find a higher part of themselves, protecting them from the forces of evil and taking them on adventurous journeys. A wizard has a life full of rich experiences that are not open to basic men. They are extra ordinary and respected for this. Wizards offer great loving service to those normal people who display less awareness or ability than themselves. This is a teaching for all about the importance of maintaining integrity through enlightenment and of the role of ego. The Alchemist of our modern world knows that the true answers to life lie in the ancient story traditions that have been passed down across many cultures. He she endeavours to discover these mysteries, put them to real use and ensures the continuation of traditions that hold spiritual values for future generations.
If this Reading resonates with the magic of who you really are, in some way then you are highly likely to be a significant part of the transformation of human kind, at this time and into the future; as will future generations of your line.
May you be a portal for Divine Alchemy
N.B `Crystalline photosynthesis` is a reference for the way in which your physical body will receive new codes of transformational energy delivered by the Elemental Beings: and how the light of the Divine will begin to deliver the upgrading of the new 5D reality through your very own cells. Deep cleansing of the old energies is required in order to create a pure vessel for receiving the new codes, known as crystalline in their reference to a higher resonating vibration, associated with crystals.
I have used the word `Osmosis` to express the unconscious levels of healing that is being undertaken at this time through cellular activity from the Divine Source.