We surely are living in a time of extremes, extreme news, extreme views, extreme weather, extreme fear, extreme change, extreme mismanagement of information, extreme confusion and it’s all extremely strange.
Allow yourself to be the calm in the storm. Speak of peace, behave of compassion and channel LOVE. This is your strength.
Surrender extremism for your own health, happiness and peace of mind.
Behave with integrity and courage during this adversity in a loving way. Be a model to the world of how this can be and make it look easy. YOU know what I am talking about and YOU know how to do it. Do not loose confidence. This is not a time to shy back. Your gift to see the Divinity in the world is needed. Sensitivity is not a weakness.
Know that the change of energies that we have undergone over recent months has caused an upheaval of chaos which is toxic to the conscious thinking of humanity if it is given space to dwell.
This chaotic pollutant is volatile and needs to find a secure host in which to thrive and breed discontent, anger and fear. Don’t allow this to be you.
Sensitives do not tolerate any intense or extreme behaviours. So turn to doing what you do best, nurturing gentleness, creativity, kindness and positive living.
At this time the Divine Feminine source is at its peak, as a great Empress taking charge of a lost people and looking to restoring an harmonious balance. Our greatest spiritual teachers and leaders have channelled this energy, from Jesus and Buddha, to Ghandi and Mother Teressa. Time may have changed but the message is still clear.

For those who wish to walk this path of Ascension, may you be touched by the beauty of Divine Love and given guidance to lead others into your Peace

Kirsty Elizabeth
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