The spiritual world and it’s vibration are invisible to all but the most sensitive, but wise ones know how the secrets of universal energies are hidden in plain site as they are manifested often into physical form through the elements, which become our weather systems.

Imagine if it was just as common to talk of spiritual energies as it the weather.

August 2020 is a month of intense spiritual downloads, solar flares, extreme weather conditions and an influx of intervention from the Divine Feminine.
We are currently experiencing a detox to our spiritual bodies. Think of this in the same way as you would for the physical body. To detox toxins from your skin you might visit a spa and place yourself in the extreme heat of a sauna in order to open pores and allow the release of sweat
. You would follow this by a shower, a swim in cool water or even by rolling in snow.

A spiritual detox requires the same process of an intense forcing of toxic energy to the surface in order to be expelled; followed by a calmer cooling off period of cleansing.
A spiritual detox will be just as beneficial to your physical body if you are storing stagnant or negative energy within your body as a result of past illnesses, traumas and negative experiences. Allowing yourself to feel cleansed by surrendering to what is will have a healing affect and may lighten your emotional load.
My advice to all is to stand out in any rain showers for short periods this week, in bare feet if possible and enjoy a bit of a soak

We are approaching 3 months of spiritual growth and should be aiming to be in a new inner place by November 2020 which is the start of our next mission / purpose / calling.
Energy is expansive and nurturing throughout August, but will be felt in waves. Major portals of energy are
In between these times focus on cleanse and release.

Kirsty Elizabeth
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