28.8.20 Elemental Portals
Expect to be transported inwardly on a journey of emotional metamorphosis. Working as part of the Divine Feminine Transformation, the Spirit of nature is opening to new Divine codes, with the intention of taking you with it. This is a highly necessary process of physical cleansing as we dig deep to clear out the remnants of the old 3D energies which stagnate within our physical bodies.
This will culminate at 9.9.2020 and take us across September to the 20.9.20 gateway.
If you have a spiritual calling ... Prepare to experience crystalline photosynthesis and release negativity by osmosis as Mother Nature picks her spiritual flowers for the bloom. 

Life Lessons New Goals Perception Clairvoyance Clarity Focus
Patience Channelling Vision Observation Manifestation
In choosing NO 3 as your Reading you have revealed to yourself a great wisdom of life and its experiences. The Elemental Angels know that you are likely on a difficult path or point of challenge in your life and reach out to you with great compassion. For they can see the bigger picture behind all struggle and have access to the higher calling of souls when individuals go through transformative experiences that may cause them pain or suffering.
Those drawn to this Reading are those who have reached a higher point of clarity through their own life experiences and observations.
These are the individuals who have the power to change the ways of humanity and to bring about long term stability. It may be that you are someone in a position of some responsibility, or you could be the sole person responsible for your current situation. Either way, it is time for the removal of burden and you are being shown a vision of how to make this happen. As we go through the current portal expect to off load old emotional baggage and recognise where you feel new freedom and relief in your life as you plan for the future. The elemental forces wish to bring into your awareness your own change in perspective and direction. You are highly valued for your wisdom and are considered to be an important part of creating new ways forward.
Going through an elemental portal such as this is likely to bring about for you a closer connection to the world of spirit. In some cases Clairvoyant and mediumship abilities may become enhanced. For others a change in clarity and perception will enable the Divine Feminine to channel visions of loving energy and open your mind to visions of the possibilities of a happier future; of which you will become a manifestation, showing an enlightened heart and mind approach to life. Making plans to live life in accordance with your vision will influence the lives of those around you and help to raise the vibration of living a life of love and happiness across your community.
Wisdom has already taught you about energy and the movement forward through change. You are needed to be the steady voice who can guide others to understand how stepping forward may at first need to be slow and careful, (or even seem to be one step forward and 2 steps back ) but ultimately progress is made and new steady foundations are built. You will find yourself supporting others, possibly those who remind you your past self. Your own life experiences have given you a grounded perspective of reality, making you trustworthy and fair.
Those who fit in this category have the potential for infinite possible future outcomes to open before them. The current portal may shine a light on the loss of a little magic in life, in which case a change in priorities would be invoked within. Choosing this Reading is asking you to be prepared for a full change of lifestyle (which you have likely already started) and to hold the positive expectation that it brings more of what has been lacking in order to re-address the balance of energy within your journey. It is likely that transformative energies focus on bringing emotional areas into view through the middle chakras of the solar plexus, heart and throat. If so, this may be a time for you to address your personal and emotional needs with those in order to bring about new goals for happiness. One challenge might be to overcome your own inner insecurities, especially if you recognise that you are holding yourself back in any way.
This portal could be the perfect time for self reflection. For you this portal could be a mirror offering you the opportunity to access some deep inner work. Observe careful what you see reflected back to you. It may be time to see reality over illusion. In this way truths may be revealed to you in surprising ways.... and none is more surprising than finding that you can achieve something that you though you never could. For those whose thoughts turn to their darker shadow self, which is hidden to most of the world, but often feels like the reality of living a lie, and can be felt as pain. Remember that the elementals ae portrayed in folklore also in dark ways; as they mirror these hidden aspects of ourselves. It is important to remember that Elemental Angels are full of loving compassion for all aspects of human emotions and behaviours. They would know that it is one simple factor causing any pain; that of self judgement. Removal of self judgement prevents deeper dark aspects from evolving, such as self loathing, which lead to destructive behaviours. Self sabotage is a likely issue for those who may be feeling unsure of their next focus, especially if they are resisting the transformation being offered to them by current energies. Challenges might be in Letting Go of the old era and in Accepting the Present. This would include spiritual practices of forgiveness, self love and gratitude.
If you have chosen this Reading then RIGHT NOW the Elemental Portal is offering you a lens through which you can see clearly and at a distance in positive ways. If you are finding this difficult then you may be learning how to bring this positive vision into focus. Adjust the lens through inner growth. The Elementals can see your future and are excited to show a vision of success and happiness. You might currently be the caterpillar ....but....Prepare to show the world your wings!
The Elementals see you as a butterfly. They know your potential and the sometimes struggle it takes to achieve success. They want nothing more than to see you flourish into the full, unique YOU. Make sure you get out of your own way and allow the flow of the Divine energy to transform your life.
May wisdom bring your best life into focus.
Kirsty Elizabeth
N.B `Crystaline photosynthesis` is a reference for the way in which your physical body will receive new codes of transformational energy delivered by the Elemental Beings: and how the light of the Divine will begin to deliver the upgrading of the new 5D reality through your very own cells. Deep cleansing of the old energies is required in order to create a pure vessel for receiving the new codes, known as crytaline in their reference to a higher resonating vibration, associated with crytals.
I have used the word `Osmosis` to express the unconscious levels of healing that is being undertaken at this time through cellular activity from the Divine Source.
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