28.8.20 Elemental Portals
Expect to be transported inwardly on a journey of emotional metamorphosis. Working as part of the Divine Feminine Transformation, the Spirit of nature is opening to new Divine codes, with the intention of taking you with it. This is a highly necessary process of physical cleansing as we dig deep to clear out the remnants of the old 3D energies which stagnate within our physical bodies.
This will culminate at 9.9.2020 and take us across September to the 20.9.20 gateway.
If you have a spiritual calling ... Prepare to experience crystalline photosynthesis and release negativity by osmosis as Mother Nature picks her spiritual flowers for the bloom.

No 1 Sensitivity
New Beginnings Personal Development 6th sense awakening Creativity
Deep Sensitivity Higher Connection with Nature Divine Purpose Detox
Some humans are guided by Elementals as their closest spiritual guardians. If you have picked no 1 as your Reading then this is highly likely to be you. You may also be strongly guided by Angelic Beings or have been born as a crystal child.
With this is mind your current path is high resonating, with energetic activity strongly flowing through the Chakra system and up into the higher Chakra spectrum that has the ability to reach invisible heights, directly linked to the Divine Source.
You may understand this better when thinking of the term `highly sensitive` and it may be that you relate to being a person with high levels of compassion and empathy.
The Elemental Beings value your creativity and your ability to connect to invisible energies. They also understand your sense of vulnerability due to your sensitive nature and recognise great beauty in this. This portal could bring enhanced psychic related abilities or deep emotional changes that match to your sensitivity.
The current portal has the ability to take us to deep levels of inner understanding. You may find your focus will be social and creative, with relationships and family taking a central role. The wider community will also be highlighted as you are given a vision of creating a happier and more loving world by living more simply and kindly day by day. Your high sensitivity may be tested, as you are given the chance to be confident enough to stand up to challenges from others who try to bring you back into a belief of sensitivity being a weakness. If you have been battling such a belief, allow the Elemental guides to work with you on cleansing negativity through your physical, emotional and mental existence. All matters of the self will be reflected back at you for your own inner development. Put self care as a high priority if you are made to feel vulnerable. The long term result will be greater self confidence and a self mastery. Dips of mood will be short term but may feel deep as toxic energy is brought to the surface for healing. Those who choose No 1 are highly likely to be undergoing an energy detox that may have short term discomfort but will result in greater health and happiness in the long term.
No 1 promises a time of new beginnings in which the beauty of life is revealed. You may have been working on your spiritual practices in recent months, undertaking yoga, meditation etc but most importantly you may have been through a time of off loading stress and desiring a new way of being. This is commendable and will result in the manifestation of higher intensions. You also may have gone through a series of self realisations that have made you recognise your own worth.
The mission for those who resonate with image No 1 is to show others by example how to live a life of love and kindness. You may even be called to lead on social or community issues or simply within your own family structure. Caring and nurturing will be at the heart such purpose. Teaching and passing information are also to be a likely part of your life purpose. Creative and artistic talents are also an important aspect of your legacy, even if only through such DIY, gardening, home cooking or crafting. The Divine Feminine Energy can flow best through us all when we are feeling relaxed or taking part in creative activity. This is the most basic and natural form of energy cleansing along with taking a walk through nature. As a high sensitive you will need to cleanse and protect your own energy as well as learn how to use the natural forces to manifest loving experiences. You may like to think of this as a magical quality (such as a fairy godmother might deliver) but the reality is that it comes from your emotional system (through your nervous system) and is a form of channelling which is likely to become greater enhanced as you focus on your own spiritual beliefs.
All that you have learned through your high sensitivity is now a highly attuned connection with the Divine plan to bring about a major dimensional shift across our reality. Everything from your abhorrence of violence and aggression, your pull to support the needs of the vulnerable, your own self doubts and painful emotional experiences are culminating to a point where you are determined to live a better way. You are a living embodiment of the higher vibration, with the humbling appearance of a gentle and good hearted soul. You are a much needed source of Love.
As a sensitive you may experience some of the Ascension symptoms associated with times of energy `downloading`. If this happens deploy self care routines and assert your right to rest and say `no` to demands on your time.
The Elementals Beings will treat your energy as they would a Flower. Knowing your unique ability to make the world a brighter place, your natural desire to grow towards the light and your invisible energetic radiance; the Elemental Angels believe that any self healing work undertaken by you is likely to have far reaching effects on our natural world. You are being called to be a creator of the new era and you have been chosen for you high sensitivity and deeply loving nature. If heaven on earth were ever to be manifested it would only be due to individuals such as you in leading the way.
N.B `Crystalline photosynthesis` is a reference for the way in which your physical body will receive new codes of transformational energy delivered by the Elemental Beings: and how the light of the Divine will begin to deliver the upgrading of the new 5D reality through your very own cells. Deep cleansing of the old energies is required in order to create a pure vessel for receiving the new codes, known as crystalline in their reference to a higher resonating vibration, associated with crytals.
I have used the word `Osmosis` to express the unconscious levels of healing that is being undertaken at this time through cellular activity from the Divine Source.
I wish you great joy in finding your true beauty.
Kirsty Elizabeth
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