28.8.20 Elemental Portals
Expect to be transported inwardly on a journey of emotional metamorphosis. Working as part of the Divine Feminine Transformation, the Spirit of nature is opening to new Divine codes, with the intention of taking you with it. This is a highly necessary process of physical cleansing as we dig deep to clear out the remnants of the old 3D energies which stagnate within our physical bodies.
This will culminate at 9.9.2020 and take us across September to the 20.9.20 gateway.
If you have a spiritual calling ... Prepare to experience crystalline photosynthesis and release negativity by osmosis as Mother Nature picks her spiritual flowers for the bloom.

No 2 Transformation
Change Adventure Discovery Journey Growth Experience
Passion Courage Purpose Identity Assertiveness Movement
If you have picked no 2 as your Reading then you are likely to feel as though you are between two stages of your life, experiencing the end of an era and the approach of a new you. This is a very exciting and positive time for you. However you may yet have to become aware of this and you actually may be feeling a little lost, or feel a lack of direction; or you may even feel somehow blocked by some challenge that seems to have currently brought you to a stand still. If any of these are the case you should be prepared for things to move quickly with the help of the Elementals beings and the portals of transformation; as they exciting plans for you.
Those drawn to Reading No 2 have great purpose in life and are held in high regard by the Elementals as the creators of the future. They are leaders, creatives, and instigators of living in new times. Times of challenge are an important part of the life journeys of these individuals as it delivers wisdom and develops compassion for others.
The current portal has the ability to take us to deep levels of inner understanding, through delivering challenges to us enable us to overcome our fears and grow as individuals. Fear of the unknown and lack of self belief are such challenges that may be brought to the attention of those drawn to NO 2 during the current portal. Finding that there is safety in the unknown will be a valuable experience and one which will develop Faith. Do not be afraid to see the close down of the old and the opening of the new.
The Elementals are excited to work with those drawn to this Reading, as they can see your potential to make a difference to the future of our planet through your own journey of self discovery and growth. You are about to make a breakthrough, although you do not likely know it; where you will leap forward into a new era and will find it an enriching experience, that grows you into a sense of purpose and direction; despite your initial nerves or uncertainties.
To the elemental beings you are one of `the birds and the bees` of the new era, enabling, through your travels; for the continuous collection and distribution of healthy life sustaining substance. You are a vital force and highly valued.
Energy people of this type resonate strongly through the mid Chakra system from the sacral, solar plexus, heart and throat. Any shadow work that relates to any individual or accumulated area of these energy centres may rise to manifest as a form of challenge. Insecurity, lack of self esteem, poor self love and shyness are all examples.
Current Ascension downloading may be felt as strong emotional or mental mood swings, overthinking and over analysing or waves of anxiety or depression. Physical sensations may also be experienced through the body, such as inflammation or malaise. These should pass quickly for this group as they will find new energy is restored quickly in order for movement into new purpose. You may be unfortunate to suffer small mild illnesses during the energetic portals or perhaps feel either fatigued or suffer insomnia. Feeling low and thinking negatively can also be triggered, in short bursts. If this happens take care of your physical, mental and emotional needs by monitoring your general intake of food and drink, reduce the amount of energy around you be having some quiet time engaging in a positive or relaxing activity and very importantly ... limit what you see, read, watch, hear in terms of social media, dramatic or distressing tv, radio or news. In other words take responsibility for nourishing your body and your mind in healthy ways.
One important challenge for this group is to learn not to compare themselves with others, but to learn to feel at ease with living life as it is given. Current portals offer a calling for those new to spiritual ways, for those who have lost their spiritual direction and for those who wish to further attune their spiritual progression. Be open to new ideology and philosophical thinking.
Those who are drawn to Reading No 2 are more likely to receive a wake up call from the Divine during energetic portals, which is why these times can instigate lifechanging chains of events that lift individuals onto a new path.
Elementals are often depicted a fun loving and sometimes a little naughty, particularly when they are represented through folklore. This is because of their compassion for understanding the whole spectrum of experiences of human life and their wise understanding of how all experiences are necessary to the whole. Elementals love humour and celebrate moments of great happiness as highly valuable. If you have chosen this as your Reading then make sure you pursue the love of who you are, have fun and use laughter as a way to lift vibration within yourself and others. It is likely that you are able to connect with others in deep ways, as this will be an important aspect of your life purpose.
The Elementals would see you as a Rainbow, with a spectrum of skills and talents, skills and experiences that work together to create one radiant energy. Give yourself the time to be every shade of every colour and reach out to seek the invisible colours that take us into other dimensions.
May you have the courage to experience your potential.
Kirsty Elizabeth
N.B `Crystalline photosynthesis` is a reference for the way in which your physical body will receive new codes of transformational energy delivered by the Elemental Beings: and how the light of the Divine will begin to deliver the upgrading of the new 5D reality through your very own cells. Deep cleansing of the old energies is required in order to create a pure vessel for receiving the new codes, known as crystalline in their reference to a higher resonating vibration, associated with crystals.
I have used the word `Osmosis` to express the unconscious levels of healing that is being undertaken at this time through cellular activity from the Divine Source.
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