August 2020
Incoming Transitional Energy is very intense this month so be sure to plan some time to pause for reflection and self care.

Too many of us have fallen into habits of keeping ourselves busy, productive and making progress. This has been fuelled by the world of commerce and has set unhealthy standards, producing overwhelm to our emotional systems and causing general emotional disturbances.
Spirit World messengers want to teach us to look back to the old ways to simplify our lifestyles. In recent times our lives had become out of kilter, with the masculine energies taking the lead on progress.
We have all undergone a huge shift that desires us to find our place within harmony and balance of natural laws. Pushing too hard to get back to a life that was is going against the flow and against our best interest. In quiet reflection with can find surrender, acceptance and new hope.
As with the change of a season we must work with where we are at and show understanding of timing and conditions that are open to us.
We know that we must take responsibility for how we are teaching our children to live, environmentally, spiritually and emotionally.
In the eye of the Divine, we are all children.
Transitional energies are being lead by the Divine Feminine, a matriarch to us all as the family of humanity.
The starting point for change lies within you, so stop, listen and follow a higher guidance to create routines that promote loving priorities, such as health, love and joy. See the miracles that bloom around you, within you and because of you.

This month the message from the spirit world is clear...
Love yourself as we love you

20 Signs that Ascension Energies are working through you right NOW:
You have accepted recent life changes
You feel a deep sense of calm
You are content in yourself
You are focusing on the positive
You are practising present moment living
You are aware of your own healing/clearing
You are listening to your own needs
You have discovered a deep wisdom
You are moved by kindness and compassion
You are observing your own experience
You are sensing the need to rest more
You are creating a harmonious lifestyle
You feel positive about the future
You are helping others to feel emotionally safe
You are enjoying quiet moments alone
You feel deeply connected to your loved ones
You are feeling a connection with loving spirits
You can recognise loving priorities
You feel able to go with the flow
You feel a deep loving connection to nature
If you need a little help to get to this state try the Lion's breath technique:
The Lion's Breath

The Lionsgate Portal (8th August) in the sun sign of Leo is always a point of major spiritual transition. Last year we were asked to clear negative energies from within ourselves in order to clear some space for new beginnings. The Lion's Breath is a Yoga technique, used to release negative energy from within the physical body. Energy builds up from the processing of emotional experiences and our attachment to believing that the things we have felt make us who we are. Spirit World teaches that we are not bound to these attachments and encourages us to start new every day as we desire. Last year energies worked hard to clear the path for new experiences to align. We were all focussing on releasing anything old, stagnant or out of line with our happiness. We knew that there was a global energetic shift underway which would push us into a new era in 2020 and push us it did ! This was a highly masculine based energy, the last of the old era; but now that we have transitioned to the beginning of the new world it is the feminine energies that are engaging with us.
The Lion's breath technique is helpful as we try to release our attachment to the experiences that have made us believe who we are; and strip away false realities and conditioning to reveal our genuine self, allowing us to realise our potential to love.
Kirsty Elizabeth 

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