Where is your heart at ? There is your purpose.
This is the voice of the Divine Feminine as she surrounds us with magical, loving energies that promise us a creative flow for a new future.
To tune into this vibration simply spend time outdoors. Immerse yourself in a natural environment and feel the life force within it. Go barefoot where you can. Do not shy away from the rain.
As we approach 20.8.2020 , a gateway for abundance, higher consciousness and a connection with infinite compassion ; we may feel our hearts swell with gratitude for the beauty of life in its simplicity as a miracle.
Those who feel suffering should begin only to focus on the present moment; and set off in a resolve to live every moment as it is given. Surrendering to this state will allow for the process of letting go and can liberate those who exist as prisoners of their own past.
The Divine Feminine works with the God force of Archangel Gabriel, who oversees the work of all Guardian Angels. So that we each might receive an influx of spiritual compassion which would have the power to release our suffering should we surrender to the reality of the NOW.
This would have mass transformational power across humanity and would be followed by a rush of creative energy that would bring solutions and breakthroughs. A new world would be created on higher values of Love, Nurturing, Positive Expectation and Compassion.
At this time of change many are feeling a loss of direction or purpose, possibly due to life changes brought about through our current physical experiences. It is those individuals who will be called to look into their hearts to feel the new way forward.
Answers will be found not by the mind, but by the heart. The era of heart felt living is dawning and although there have been many pioneers of this practice, they have not been understood by the masses. Only now, in the midst of seeming chaos is the beauty of simple heart felt living revealed.
To find it we should resolve to let go of overthinking, catastrophising and the need to control our future.
Spend time feeling for what matters and go towards it, do more of it, become it.
This portal is wide open and the natural world is playing a huge part in sending a loving flow to all who wish to receive it.
As the month closes down and we head into the Autumn we should expect a deepening of spiritual and emotional growth which has the potential to reach us at a very deep level. So, my advice for now is soak this up, let it in, be nurtured, be healed, be renewed.
Kirsty Elizabeth 

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