Calling ALL sensitives, psychics, intuitives, healers and spiritual seekers... !
Transformational energy is preparing to flood our planet in early August, allowing for this year’s 8.8 Lion’s gate portal to be the most powerful yet.
In the lead up to this, across the transition time from Cancer
to Leo
there has been an obvious ‘thinning’ of the veil, the invisible connection between our physical world and the world of spirit.

This may have major implications for sensitives who will feel the energy shift as a deep calm or stillness beneath the natural seasonal patterns.
If this is so for you then it is time to listen as the spirit world is choosing to connect with you through a bond of LOVE.
The thinning of the veil is normally associated with the Autumn (particularly at Samhain - Halloween) but is a common phenomenon for those who work with energy or with 6th sense abilities.
When the veil thins our loved ones in spirit can reach us more quickly and can connect more deeply. We are also in closer contact with our spirit guides and Angels.
This year there is deep purpose for the connection of the two worlds, not only to repeat the message of eternal life and existence, but also to whisper support and guidance into our emotional bodies, to offer strength, answers, hope, healing and transformation.
This week - Do not be surprised to experience any of the following:
Vivid meaningful dreams
Sudden intuition
A need to rest and relax
Density of energy
Visions or apparitions
Emotional waves
Memories that were forgotten
Hearing news of change
Synchronicity and signs
Psychic messages
Telepathic connections
A sense of holding back or waiting
Remember that it is all sent with LOVE
and it’s purpose is to give you proofs, guidance and answers.

The 8.8 Ascension Gateway explained:
The Secrets of Ascension are scattered across the belief systems of many religions and cultures.
Ascension is the process of spiritual growth to a state of enlightenment that the Buddhist faith believes will break the cycle of reincarnation; allowing for a state of permanent bliss.
The Gateway to Ascension is the domain of Divine energy associated with Archangel Metatron and the sacred geology (Metatron’s cube) the building blocks of physical existence.
In the Jewish mystic tradition the Kabbalah (tree of life) is made up of portals of experience for spiritual ascension, each of which are overseen by a particular Archangel.
It makes sense that Metatron should at be the first port due to his being only one of two Archangels to have been born as human, in his case Enoch. The book of Enoch is a part of mystic tradition, with Enoch being the grandfather of Noah (of the Arc).
Catholic mystic traditions tell stories of Archangels supporting humans in their earthly lives. This is also reflected in Islamic mysticism which teaches of changing the state of oneself in order to reach God.
Metatron’s association with the secret code of physical reality is meaningful when thinking of the entrance to another dimension. It would be as a gateway between two worlds. This gateway is not to be confused with the veil which separates the physical dimension of Earth and the realm of spirit, followed by Pagan and Shamanic traditions.
Metatron’s first portal would be a gateway into an inner dimension, which would be a highly personal experience and one which only you could experience. It would be the beginning of an awakening within you after which there would be many more portals to work through, some simultaneously and some of cycles of repeat learning.
The 8.8 Lion’s gateway is an energetic portal thought to date back to the earliest Ancient Egyptians, or even beyond.
This year on its potential will be magnified, reaching out to a mass of individuals with the intention of further spiritual awakening and progress on a mass level.
Kirsty Elizabeth

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